(a) The Department may adopt standards concerning the conditions of probation or suspension of sentence which the court may use in a given case. The standard conditions shall apply in the absence of any other specific or inconsistent conditions imposed by the court. The presentence report may recommend conditions to be imposed by the court. Nothing in this chapter shall limit the authority of the court to impose or modify any general or specific conditions of probation or suspension of sentence. The Department may recommend and, by order, the court may impose and may at any time order modification of any conditions of probation or suspension of sentence. Before any conditions are modified, a report by the Department shall be presented to and considered by the court. The court shall cause a copy of any order to be delivered to the Department and to the probationer.
(b) The Department may adopt standards governing any program of house arrest for offenders. The presentence report may recommend conditions to be imposed by the court. In addition to any conditions imposed by the Department or by the court, each program involving house arrest for offenders, regardless of the official or unofficial name of the program, shall include a reasonable monthly payment by each offender participating in the program, clear and consistent sanctions when a participant in the program violates any of the conditions, and the ownership or leasing of all equipment by the Department of Correction.
(c) The Department is authorized to use offender electronic monitoring systems and any new or emerging offender monitoring technology that will assist in the supervision of offenders placed on house arrest.
(d) The Department is authorized to supervise offenders on house arrest without the use of any specific electronic equipment, so long as sufficient and reasonable methods for ensuring compliance with the terms of house arrest are employed.
11 Del. C. 1953, § 4333; 54 Del. Laws, c. 349, § 7; 66 Del. Laws, c. 29, § 1; 76 Del. Laws, c. 399, § 1; 83 Del. Laws, c. 35, § 1;