There is hereby established within the Department of Military Affairs the Fort Pickett Police Department. The Fort Pickett Police may exercise within the limits of the Fort Pickett Reservation and, when assigned to any other property owned or controlled by the Commonwealth or any agency, department, institution or commission thereof, all the powers, duties and functions that are exercised by the police of the city, or the police or sheriff of the county within which said property is located. The jurisdiction of the Fort Pickett Police shall further extend 300 feet beyond the boundary of any property they are required to protect, such jurisdiction to be concurrent with that of other law-enforcement officers of the locality in which such property is located. The Fort Pickett Police shall refer any complaint which alleges a felony violation to the Virginia State Police or the sheriff of the appropriate jurisdiction who, in cooperation with the Fort Pickett Police, shall conduct an investigation if an investigation is warranted. All members of the Fort Pickett Police shall be subject to the provisions of § 2.2-1202.1 and Chapter 5 (§ 9.1-500 et seq.) of Title 9.1. The Fort Pickett Police Department shall be under the supervision of the Adjutant General, or his designee. The pay structure for the officers and supervisors of the Fort Pickett Police Department shall be the same as that set by the Compensation Board for sheriffs’ offices.
2000, c. 296; 2012, cc. 803, 835.