(a) On the last day of December and June of each year every fiduciary commissioner shall file with the county clerk a list of all estates referred to him or her since the effective date of this section, either generally or for a limited purpose, in which any document required to be filed with him or her in a specified time has not been timely filed, stating the document whose filing is delinquent and the date the same was due to be filed: Provided, That the commissioner shall omit from such list any estate and any document for whose filing a proper continuance has been granted.
(b) On January 5 and July 5 of each year the county clerk shall file with the county commission a like list of estates since the effective date of this section in which the filing of any paper is delinquent, and embrace therein the lists required to be filed with him or her on the first day of such month by the various commissioners. In the report filed July 5 of each year the county clerk shall further include in the report a list of all estates referred to him or her since the effective date of this section which have not been duly closed within a period of three years from the opening of such estate and in which no progress, or in his or her opinion, unsatisfactory progress, has been made toward settlement, for any cause, within the preceding 12 months.
(c) The county commission shall, upon the presentation by the county clerk of all matters and causes reported to it by the semiannual reports required herein of delinquent and unprogressed estates, enter an order in the name of the county commission directing the appointed personal representative to file a statement to show cause why the county commission should not find the personal representative delinquent in his or her administration of the respective estate and should not remove the personal representative from office, administratively close the estate, or take such other action against the personal representative as may be proper:
(1) The order to show cause shall be mailed by the county clerk to the personal representative at the last known address appearing in the records of the county clerk and a copy thereof shall also be mailed to the heirs at law, beneficiaries under the will, any creditors who have filed claims which are not released, any surety on any bond, and any other person interested in the estate at their last known addresses appearing in the records of the county clerk.