- Unless the purchaser expressly agrees in the sales agreement to accept such purchaser’s interest subject to a lien or by assuming a lien prior to transferring a time-share interval other than by deed in lieu of foreclosure, the developer shall record or furnish to the purchaser releases of all liens affecting that time-share interval or shall provide a surety bond or insurance against the lien, as provided for liens on real estate in this state. In lieu of the foregoing, a lienholder may agree to repurchase in the amount agreed to by the parties but in no event less than the amount actually paid by the purchaser a purchaser’s time-share interval in the event the lienholder comes into possession of the time-share project; or the lienholder may agree to allow the continued right of quiet enjoyment to the purchaser.
- Unless a time-share interval owner or such owner’s predecessor in title agrees otherwise with the lienor, if a lien other than an underlying mortgage or security deed becomes effective against more than one time-share interval in a time-share project, any time-share interval owner is entitled to a release of such owner’s time-share interval from the lien upon payment of the amount of the lien attributable to such owner’s time-share interval. The amount of the payment must be proportionate to the ratio that the time-share interval owner’s liability bears to the liabilities of all time-share interval owners whose interests are subject to the lien. Upon receipt of payment, the lienholder shall promptly deliver to the time-share interval owner a release of the lien covering that time-share interval. After payment, the managing entity may not assess or have a lien against that time-share interval for any portion of the expenses incurred in connection with that lien.
History. Code 1981, § 44-3-180 , enacted by Ga. L. 1983, p. 1255, § 1; Ga. L. 1995, p. 1260, § 1.
Cross references.
Protection of purchasers from developer’s underlying blanket encumbrances, § 44-3-189 .