RCW 46.70.029
Listing dealers, transaction of business.
Listing dealers shall transact dealer business by obtaining a listing agreement for sale, and the buyer’s purchase of the mobile home shall be handled as dealer inventory. All funds from the purchaser shall be placed in a trust account until the sale is completed, except that the dealer shall pay any outstanding liens against the mobile home from these funds. Where title has been delivered to the purchaser, the listing dealer shall pay the amount due a seller within ten days after the sale of a listed mobile home. A complete account of all funds received and disbursed shall be given to the seller or consignor after the sale is completed. The sale of listed mobile homes imposes the same duty under RCW 46.70.122 on the listing dealer as any other sale.
[ 2001 c 64 § 8; 1990 c 250 § 63; 1986 c 241 § 6.]