(a) "Commercial business" means any business, which in the course of normal operation, offers or exposes goods or services for sale, for the purpose of financial or monetary gain.
(b) "Commercial location" means a physical location or address where businesses conduct commercial transactions. Each physical address or location constitutes a separate "commercial location".
(c) "Commercial transaction" means the buying or selling of goods or services.
(d) "Weight(s)" and/or "measure(s)" means all weights and measures of every kind, instruments and devices for weighing and measuring and any appliance and accessories associated with any or all such instruments and devices.
(e) "Weight" as used in connection with any commodity or service means net weight. When a commodity is sold by drained weight, the term means net drained weight.
(f) "Correct" as used in connection with weights and measures means conformance to all applicable requirements of this article.
(g) "Primary standards" means the physical standards of the state that serve as the legal reference from which all other standards and weights and measures are derived.
(h) "Secondary standards" means the physical standards that are traceable to the primary standards through comparisons, using acceptable laboratory procedures, and used in the enforcement of weights and measures laws and regulations.
(i) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the West Virginia Division of Labor.
(j) "Person" means both plural and the singular, as the case demands, and includes individuals, partnerships, corporations, companies, societies, associations and government entities.
(k) "Sale from bulk" means the sale of commodities when the quantity is determined at the time of sale.
(l) "Package", whether standard package or random package, means any commodity:
(1) Enclosed in a container or wrapped in any manner in advance of wholesale or retail sale; or