(a) The commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations to administer the provisions of this article in accordance with the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.
(b) The commissioner shall deny an application for a license or modification thereof if he finds that the issuance thereof would be in violation of the provisions of this article.
(c) The commissioner may revoke, suspend or refuse to renew a license if the licensee or any member of a licensee organization has been convicted pursuant to section eighteen or nineteen of this article and the commissioner finds that it would be in the public interest to do so; or if the licensee has violated any of the provisions of this article: Provided, That before revoking or suspending a license issued under the authority of this article, the commissioner shall give at least ten days, three days for a limited occasion license, notice to the licensee. Notice shall be in writing, state the reason for revocation or suspension and inform the licensee of its right to petition the Office of Tax Appeals for a hearing at which the licensee may show cause why the license should not be revoked or suspended. The notice required by this section shall be by personal or substituted service, in accordance with the West Virginia rules of civil procedure for trial courts of record, on the person who applied for the license on behalf of the licensee. The licensee may, at the time designated for the hearing, present evidence in its behalf and be represented by counsel. A decision of the Office of Tax Appeals upholding in whole or in part the revoking or suspending a license is subject to judicial review as provided in section nineteen, article ten-a, chapter eleven of this code.
(d) The commissioner may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew any license issued hereunder for a material failure to maintain the records or file the reports required by this article if the commissioner finds that said failure will substantially impair the commissioner’s ability to administer the provisions of this article with regard to such licensee.
(e) The commissioner shall promulgate reasonable rules and regulations necessary to the administration of this article.
(f) The provisions of article five, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code apply to the denial, revocation, suspension of or refusal to renew a license hereunder.
(g) The burden of proof in any administrative or court proceeding is on the applicant to show cause why a raffle license should be issued or renewed and on the licensee to show cause why its license should not be revoked or suspended.
(h) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, the commissioner may issue an emergency order suspending a raffle license under the following circumstances and in the following manner:
(1) An emergency order may be issued only when the commissioner believes that: