The Director of the Division of Forensic Science, the Chief Medical Examiner, the Assistant Medical Examiners and the Deputy Medical Examiners, in the course of investigation of a death, may administer oaths and affirmations and take affidavits and make examinations as to any matter within the jurisdiction of their respective offices, but the Chief Medical Examiner, the Assistant Medical Examiners and the Deputy Medical Examiners may not summon a jury of inquisition. The Chief Medical Examiner, or in the Chief Medical Examiner’s absence, Assistant Medical Examiners or Deputy Medical Examiners, shall have the power to issue subpoenas.
29 Del. C. 1953, § 4712; 50 Del. Laws, c. 502, § 1; 57 Del. Laws, c. 140, § 1; 66 Del. Laws, c. 209, § 3; 79 Del. Laws, c. 265, § 1;