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§ 4803. Definitions.

(a) “Charitable gaming organization” shall mean an organization, in existence as of January 1, 2013, that is a fraternal or veterans organization with national affiliation or an organization, in existence as of January 1, 2013, whose membership consists primarily of veterans honorably discharged or active duty service members.

(b) “Charitable video lottery machine” shall mean a video lottery machine that is under the control of the State Lottery Office and that has been authorized by the Director to be placed at a location operated by a charitable gaming organization. Authorized play on such device shall be restricted to members of the charitable gaming organization’s active members. The Director shall promulgate rules for authorized charitable gaming organizations to report monthly the amount of proceeds that should be returned to the State.

(c) “Credit slip” shall mean the receipt generated by a video lottery terminal when a player is playing that particular video lottery terminal, or the ticket resulting from a sports lottery game.

(d) “Director,” as used in this subchapter, shall mean the Director of the State Lottery Office.

(e) “Employee organization” shall mean any organization that admits or seeks to admit to membership employees of a Delaware video lottery agent and that has as a purpose the representation of such employees in collective bargaining, grievance representation, labor disputes, salaries, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or conditions of work.

(f) “Gaming area” shall mean a location in a video lottery facility where gaming activity is conducted at video lottery machines or table games.

(g) “Gaming employee” shall mean a person employed in the operation of a video lottery facility and determined by the Director to have employment duties and responsibilities involving the security, maintenance, servicing, repair, or operation of video lottery machines and table game equipment, or is employed in a position that allows direct access to the internal workings of video lottery machines or table game equipment. Such employees shall include, without limitation:

dealers; floorpersons; video lottery machine personnel; video lottery machine technicians; count room and cage personnel; security and surveillance employees; employees responsible for handling assets and proceeds associated with the operation of gaming activity; and employees with responsibility for policies concerning complimentaries or allowed to grant variances to policies concerning complimentaries.

(h) “Gaming excursion” shall mean an arrangement the purpose of which is to induce any person, selected or approved for participation therein on the basis of said person’s ability to satisfy a financial qualification obligation related to said person’s ability or willingness to gamble or on any other basis related to said person’s propensity to gamble, to come to a video lottery facility for the purpose of gaming and pursuant to which, and as consideration for which, any or all of the cost of transportation, food, lodging, and entertainment for said person is directly or indirectly paid by a video lottery agent or employee thereof.

(i) “Gaming room service employee” shall mean a person employed to perform services or duties in a video lottery facility, who has access to the gaming area or restricted gaming area, but who is not included within the definition of “key employee” or “gaming employee.”

(j) “Gross table game revenue” shall mean the total of all table game win or loss and poker revenue, including checks received whether collected or not, received by a video lottery agent from table game operations; provided that if the value of gross table game revenue at any video lottery facility in a given fiscal year is less than zero, any liabilities to winners in such year shall be the responsibility of the video lottery agent. Gross table game revenue shall include entry fees charged in a tournament in excess of cash prizes awarded. For purposes of this section, any check which is invalid and unenforceable shall be treated as cash and included within gross table game revenue.

(k) “Internet lottery” shall mean all lottery games in which the player’s interaction with the game operated by the Office occurs over the Internet (which, for purposes of this chapter, shall include any public or private computer or terminal network, whether linked electronically, wirelessly, through optical networking technology or other means), including Internet ticket games, the Internet video lottery and Internet table games.

(l) “Internet table games” shall mean a lottery game in which the player’s interaction with the game operated by the Office occurs over the Internet through a website or network of a video lottery agent, rather than at a table game in a video lottery facility, and in which the game is an Internet variation or compilation of a table game or table games, provided that the game is expressly authorized by rule of the Director.

(m) “Internet ticket games” shall mean a lottery game in which the player’s interaction with the game operated by the Office occurs over the Internet through a website or network of the Office, and in which the winner is decided by chance through mechanical or electronic means, and which shall include keno but which shall not include the video lottery, table games, and other forms of the Internet lottery.

(n) “Internet video lottery” shall mean a lottery game in which the player’s interaction with the game operated by the Office occurs over the Internet through a website or network of a video lottery agent, rather than at a video lottery machine in a video lottery facility, and in which the game is an Internet variation of a video lottery game, and which shall not include keno, table games, and other forms of the Internet lottery.

(o) “Key employee” shall mean a person employed in the operation of a video lottery facility and determined by the Director to be acting in a supervisory capacity or empowered to make discretionary decisions with respect to video lottery machine or table game operations, including, without limitation, the chief executive, financial and operation managers, video lottery department managers, cashier and cage supervisors, credit executives, pit bosses or managers, gaming employee shift managers or any other employee so designated by the Director for reasons consistent with the public policies of this subchapter, and shall include any officer or any employee of an employee organization who has direct involvement with or who exercises authority, discretion or influence in the representation of employees of a Delaware video lottery agent in collective bargaining, grievance representation, labor disputes, salaries, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment or conditions of work.

(p) “Lottery” or “state lottery” or “system” shall mean the public gaming systems or games established and operated pursuant to this subchapter and including all types of lotteries.

(q) “Lottery agent” or “lottery ticket sales agent” means a person whom the Director has licensed to sell lottery tickets.

(r) “Net moneys” shall mean all moneys received from the sale of lottery tickets after first deducting sales agent commissions and payment of prizes under $600.

(s) “Office” shall mean the State Lottery Office established by this subchapter.

(t) “Poker revenue” shall mean the total value of rake charged to players at all poker tables. The poker revenue is determined by adding the value of cash, coupons, the amount recorded on the closer, the totals of amounts recorded on the credits and markers removed from a drop box, and subtracting the amount on the opener and the total of amounts recorded on fills removed from a drop box.

(u) “Qualified child support obligation” shall mean any child support lien in excess of $150 as provided by § 2215 of Title 13.

(v) “Qualified video lottery prize” shall mean any video lottery or charitable gaming organization prize paid by cash or check for which a W-2G is issued equal to or in excess of $1,200 (but less any amounts withheld for income taxes).

(w) “Restricted gaming area” shall mean the cashier’s cage, the count room, the cage booths and runway areas, the interior of table game pits, the surveillance room and catwalk areas, the video lottery machine repair room and any other area designated by the Director as a restricted gaming area.

(x) “Sports lottery” shall mean a lottery in which the winners are determined based on the outcome of any professional or collegiate sporting event, including racing, held within or without the State, but excluding collegiate sporting events that involve a Delaware college or university and amateur or professional sporting events that involve a Delaware team.

(y) “Sports lottery agent” means a person whom the Director has licensed to conduct sports lottery games.

(z) “Sports lottery machine” shall mean any machine in which bills, coins or tokens are deposited in order to play a sports lottery game. A machine shall be considered a sports lottery machine notwithstanding the use of an electronic credit system making the deposit of bills, coins or tokens unnecessary.

(aa) “Sports lottery operations employee” shall mean an individual employee, person or agent of an applicant or licensee who is responsible for the security of sports lottery operations or proceeds.

(bb) “State Lottery Fund” shall mean those moneys derived from the sale of state lottery tickets and deposited in the state account of that name and those funds appropriated for the start-up costs of the system.

(cc) “Table game” shall mean any game played in a video lottery facility with cards, dice or any mechanical, electromechanical or electronic device or machine (excluding keno, video lottery machines, and the Internet lottery) for money, credit or any representative of value, including, but not limited to, baccarat, blackjack, twenty-one, poker, craps, roulette, bingo, wheel of fortune or any variation of these games, whether or not similar in design or operation, provided that the game is expressly authorized by rule of the Director.

(dd) “Table game equipment” shall mean gaming tables, cards, dice, chips, tiles, shufflers, drop boxes or any other mechanical, electronic or other device, mechanism or equipment or related supplies used or consumed in the operation of any table games.

(ee) “Table game win or loss” shall mean the value of gaming chips and cash won from patrons at gaming tables less the value of gaming chips and cash won by patrons at gaming tables other than poker tables. The table game win or loss is determined by adding the value of cash, total value of coupons, the amount recorded on the closer, the totals of amounts recorded on the credits and the issuance copies of markers removed from a drop box, subtracting the amount recorded on the opener and the total of amounts recorded on fills removed from a drop box. Match play coupons shall not be included, subject to limitations imposed by the Director.

(ff) “Video lottery” shall mean any lottery conducted in a video lottery facility with a video lottery machine or a network of linked video lottery machines with an aggregate progression prize or prizes (excluding keno, table games, and the Internet lottery).

(gg) “Video lottery agent” means a person whom the Director has licensed to conduct table games, video lottery games, sports lottery games, and Internet lottery games and who possesses either a horse racing meet license pursuant to Title 3 or Title 28 of the Delaware Code, a harness racing meet license pursuant to Title 3 of the Delaware Code, or both.

(hh) “Video lottery facility” shall mean a building containing a gaming area.

(ii) “Video lottery machine” shall mean any machine in which bills, coins or tokens are deposited in order to play in a game of chance in which the results, including options available to the player, are randomly determined by the machine. A machine may use spinning reels or video displays or both, and may or may not dispense coins or tokens directly to winning players. A machine shall be considered a video lottery machine notwithstanding the use of an electronic credit system making the deposit of bills, coins or tokens unnecessary.

59 Del. Laws, c. 348, § 1;  60 Del. Laws, c. 9, § 1;  61 Del. Laws, c. 169, § 1;  61 Del. Laws, c. 189, § 1;  69 Del. Laws, c. 446, § 3;  70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1;  71 Del. Laws, c. 184, § 1;  71 Del. Laws, c. 253, §§ 1, 2;  75 Del. Laws, c. 89, § 154;  75 Del. Laws, c. 229, § 1;  77 Del. Laws, c. 28, § 2;  77 Del. Laws, c. 219, §§ 2-4;  77 Del. Laws, c. 329, § 65;  78 Del. Laws, c. 76, § 68;  78 Del. Laws, c. 245, § 1;  78 Del. Laws, c. 285, § 3;  79 Del. Laws, c. 1, §§ 1, 4;  79 Del. Laws, c. 77, §§ 1, 5;  80 Del. Laws, c. 78, § 73;  82 Del. Laws, c. 158, § 1;