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§ 4805. Director — Powers and duties.

(a) The Director shall have the power and the duty to operate and administer the state lottery and to promulgate such rules and regulations governing the establishment and operation of the lottery as the Director deems necessary and desirable in order that the lottery be initiated at the earliest feasible time and in order that the system shall produce the maximum amount of net revenues consonant with the dignity of the State and the general welfare of the people. The rules shall provide for all matters necessary or desirable for the efficient and economical operation and administration of the system and for the convenience of the purchasers of lottery tickets and the holders of winning tickets, and the players of all state lottery games including, the following:

(1) Type and number of games to be conducted;

(2) Price or prices of tickets for any game;

(3) Numbers and sizes of the prizes on the winning tickets;

(4) Manner of selecting the winning tickets;

(5) Manner of payment of prizes to the holders of winning tickets;

(6) Frequency of the drawings or selections of winning tickets;

(7) Number and types of locations at which tickets may be sold and the sports lottery and keno may be conducted;

(8) Method to be used in selling tickets;

(9) Licensing of agents to sell tickets or host keno; provided, that, no person under the age of 18 shall be licensed as an agent;

(10) Manner and amount of compensation, if any, to be paid to licensed agents, other than video lottery agents, necessary to provide for the adequate availability of games to prospective buyers and for the convenience of the public;

(11) Apportionment of the total revenues accruing from the sale of tickets among:

a. Payment of prizes to the holders of winning tickets;

b. Payment of costs incurred in the operation and administration of the state lottery system, including the expenses of the office and the costs resulting from any contract or contracts entered into for promotional, advertising or operational services or for the purchase or lease of gaming equipment and materials;

c. Repayment of the moneys appropriated to the State Lottery Fund pursuant to § 3 of 59 Del. Laws, c. 348; and

d. Payment of earnings to the General Fund of the State.

(12) Such other matters necessary or desirable for the efficient and economical operation and administration of the game and for the convenience of the purchasers of tickets and the holders of winning tickets and the players of the video lottery, the sports lottery, Internet lottery, keno, and table games;

(13) Value of bills, coins or tokens needed to play the video lottery machines, sports lottery machines and table games;

(14) Licensing of agents for video lotteries;

(15) Payout from video lottery machines, provided that such payouts shall not be less than 87% on an average annual basis, and further provided that video lottery agents may return a payout greater than 87% but not greater than 95% upon 10 days written notice to the Director, and further provided that video lottery agents may, with the approval of the Lottery Director, return a greater payout percentage than 95%;

(16) A licensure requirement and enforcement procedure for officers, directors, key employees, gaming employees, gaming room service employees, sports lottery operations employees, and persons who own directly or indirectly 10% or more of such agent, in accordance with § 4828 of this title;

(17) A licensure requirement and enforcement procedure for service companies in accordance with § 4829 of this title;

(18) Standards for advertising, marketing and promotional materials used by video lottery agents;

(19) Regulations and procedures for the accounting and reporting of the payments required under §§ 4815 and 4819 of this title;

(20) The registration, kind, type, number and location of video lottery machines, sports lottery machines and table games on the licensee’s premises, subject to the Director’s obligations set forth in § 4820(b) of this title;

(21) The on-site security arrangements for video lottery agents and sports lottery agents;

(22) Requiring the reporting of information about video lottery agents, sports lottery agents, their employees, vendors and finances necessary or desirable to ensure the security of the lottery system. None of the information disclosed pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, § 10001 et seq. of this title;

(23) The reporting and auditing of financial information of licensees including, but not limited to, the reporting of profits or losses incurred by licensees and the reporting by licensees of such employment and payroll information as is necessary for the Director to determine compliance with § 10148(1) of Title 3 or § 100048 of Title 3 as the case may be. None of the information disclosed pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, § 10001 et seq. of this title;

(24) a. A registration requirement and enforcement procedure for any employee organization representing or seeking to represent employees who are employed by a Delaware video lottery agent. Any employee organization may at any time file with the office an application for registration as an employee organization. However, an employee organization shall be required to file such registration application within 10 business days after it secures a signed authorization card from any employee who is employed by a Delaware video lottery agent.

Any registration statement filed by an employee organization after the signature of an authorization card but prior to the employee organization’s petition for election shall not be subject to disclosure by the Lottery Office to any video lottery agent;

b. Every key employee of an employee organization shall be required to register with the office at the same time as the application for registration is filed under paragraph (24)a. of this section or within 30 days after the date on which such individual is elected, appointed or hired, whichever is later;

c. The application for registration by an employee organization or key employee of such employee organization may be denied or registration revoked under the following circumstances:

1. If such employee organization or key employee of such employee organization is in violation of standards established under the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Procedure Prohibition Against Certain Persons Holding Office, 29 U.S.C § 504(a);

2. The applicant’s competence, honesty or integrity pose a threat to the public interest of the State or to the reputation of or effective regulation and control of the lottery based on the applicant’s associations or by virtue of the fact that the applicant has been convicted of a felony crime of moral turpitude or has been arrested for an act constituting racketeering under § 1502(9)a., b.2. or b.4. through 10. of Title 11 within 10 years prior to applying for registration hereunder or at any time thereafter. Any employee or employee organization denied registration based on an arrest for an act constituting racketeering under § 1502(9)a., b.2. or b.4. through 10. of Title 11 may apply for reconsideration of registration if subsequently acquitted or a nolle prosequi is entered or the charge is otherwise dismissed. In such instances, the Lottery Office shall reconsider the applicant’s registration based on the criteria previously set forth in this subsection;

3. The organization or individual has knowingly made or caused to be made any written statement to any representative of the office or the Delaware State Police or any oral response to an official inquiry by the office, its employees or agents which was at the time and in light of circumstances under which it was made false or misleading;

4. The organization or key employee thereof holds or obtains a direct financial interest in any video lottery agent, provided the employee organization is provided a 30-day period to divest of any such direct financial interest.

The Division of Gaming Enforcement shall conduct the background checks required by this paragraph. The failure of any key employee to satisfy the requirements of paragraphs (a)(24)c.1. through 4. of this section may constitute grounds for suspension of the registration of the employee organization if the organization does not remove the key employee from the key employee’s duties as defined in § 4803(o) of this title. The employee organization will be given a reasonable opportunity to remove or replace any key employee found to be in violation of paragraphs (a)(24)c.1. through 4. of this section;

d. The entity or individual filing a registration form is under a continuing duty to promptly notify the Director of any changes in disclosed information;

e. The Secretary of Finance shall, within a reasonable time, if requested by the Director, appoint a hearing officer to determine whether the application for registration shall be denied or the registration suspended or revoked. The hearing officer shall be required to hold a hearing in conformance with the requirements of § 10131 of this title. In any hearing, the Delaware Uniform Rules of Evidence shall be in effect. The denial of an application of registration or the suspension or revocation of a registration shall be bound by the provisions of §§ 10133 and 10134 of this title. The hearing officer’s decision to deny an application of registration or to suspend or revoke a registration shall be appealable to the Superior Court under the Delaware Administrative Procedures Act (Chapter 101 of this title). All applications for registration shall be deemed approved unless the Director notifies the applicant within 60 days of his or her decision not to approve and to appoint a hearing officer under this paragraph, or unless extenuating circumstances require a longer period, in which case the Director shall act with all deliberate speed to complete the process. Any employee organization may continue to provide services to employees of a Delaware video lottery agent during the review of the application process and the appeal process, except where the employee organization is found in violation of paragraph (a)(24)c.4. of this section or there has been a previous violation of paragraphs (a)(24)c.1. through 3. of this section by the employee organization within the previous 10 years;

f. Information requested in the application of registration provided for under this paragraph shall be adopted as part of the office’s official rules and regulations upon notice and opportunity for a hearing under the Delaware Administrative Procedures Act [Chapter 101 of this title];

(25) The Director shall adopt procedures under the Delaware Administrative Procedures Act (Chapter 101 of this title) for employment investigations of the honesty, integrity, reputation and associations of office employees in order to determine that the employee’s employment does not pose a threat to the public interest of the State or the integrity of the office. The procedures and any rules and regulations shall require any person seeking employment for compensation with the office for a position which has direct access to lottery ticket sales agents, video lottery agents, sports lottery agents, or vendors to submit his or her fingerprints and other relevant information in order to obtain the individual’s entire federal and state criminal history record. Upon the Director’s request, the Division of Gaming Enforcement shall conduct the investigations required under such rules and regulations. The rules and regulations shall require new employees to submit fingerprints for purposes of the state and federal criminal history checks;

(26) Type and number of sports lottery games to be conducted, the location and licensure of facilities where the sports lottery be conducted pursuant to § 4825 of this title, the price or prices for any sports lottery games, the rules for any sports lottery games, and the payout and manner of compensation to be paid to winners of sports lottery games;

(27) Type and number of table games to be conducted, the price or prices for any table games, the rules for any table games, the payout and manner of compensation to be paid to winners of table games, and the minimum and maximum wagers for any table games;

(28) The licensure and location of facilities where keno games may be conducted, the price or prices for any keno games, the rules for any keno games, and the payout and manner of compensation to be paid to winners of keno games;

(29) The regulations and procedures for the display and presentation of messages concerning responsible gaming and the regulations, procedures and training for identification of and assistance to compulsive gamblers;

(30) The provision of complimentary services, gifts, transportation, cash, food, nonalcoholic beverages, entertainment or any other thing of value by a video lottery agent to a guest;

(31) The procedures for the review and evaluation of licensing applications, including the forms of applications, procedures for fingerprinting and other means of identification, procedures for hearings, and grounds and procedures for the approval, denial, revocation or suspension of a license;

(32) Procedures relating to internal management controls of video lottery agents, including accounting controls and employee and supervisory organizational charts and responsibilities;

(33) Standards for the manufacture, sale, distribution, maintenance, repair, and servicing of video lottery machines and table game equipment; and

(34) Standards for the conduct of the Internet lottery in accordance with this chapter.

(b) The Director shall also have the power and it shall be the Director’s duty to:

(1) Appoint such deputy directors as may be required to carry out the functions and duties of the office. Each deputy director shall have had 3 years’ management experience in areas pertinent to the prospective responsibilities and an additional 3 years of experience in the same field.

(2) Within the limit of the funds made available in § 3 of 59 Del. Laws, c. 348, and proceeding from the sale of lottery tickets and generated by the operations of video lottery agents, appoint such professional, technical, and clerical assistants and employees as may be necessary to perform the duties imposed upon the office by this subchapter.

(3) In accordance with this subchapter, license as agents to sell lottery tickets persons who will best serve, by location or accessibility, the public convenience and promote the sale of lottery tickets. The Director may require a bond from every agent so licensed in such amount as the Director deems necessary. Every licensed agent shall prominently display the agent’s license or a copy thereof.

(4) Enter into contracts for the operation of any game or part thereof and into contracts for the promotion of the game or games. This authorization is to be construed to include, but not be limited to, contracting with any racing or other sporting association to conduct sporting events within any racetrack or sports field in the State, the outcome of which shall determine the winners of a state game or, as an alternative, to affiliate the determination of the winners of a game with any racing or sporting event held within or without the State, and, including agreements with other state, provincial or international lotteries for participation in lottery games. All contracts for other than professional services in an amount greater than $2,000 shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder in the manner prescribed by state bidding laws. No contract awarded or entered into by the Director may be assigned by the holder thereof except by specific approval of the Director.

(5) Make arrangements for any person or organization, including banks, to perform such functions, activities or services in connection with the operation of the system as the Director may deem advisable.

(6) Suspend or revoke any license issued pursuant to this subchapter or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder.

(7) Certify and report monthly to the State Treasurer the total lottery revenues, prize disbursements and other expenses for the preceding month, and to make an annual report to the Governor and the General Assembly, which report shall include a full and complete statement of revenues, prize disbursements and other expenses and recommendations for such changes in this subchapter as the Director deems necessary or desirable.

(8) Report immediately to the Governor and members of the General Assembly any matters which shall require immediate changes in the laws of the State in order to prevent abuses and evasions of this subchapter or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder or to rectify undesirable conditions in connection with the administration or operation of the gaming system. Such a report shall be disclosed to the public immediately upon issuance.

(9) Carry on a continuous study and investigation of the system:

a. For the purpose of ascertaining any defects in this subchapter or in the rules and regulations issued hereunder by reason whereof any abuses in the administration and operation of the lottery or any evasion of this subchapter or the rules and regulations may arise or be practiced;

b. For the purpose of formulating recommendations for changes in this subchapter and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder to prevent such abuses and evasions;

c. To guard against the use of this subchapter to benefit organized gambling and crime or criminals in any manner whatsoever; and

d. To insure that this law and the rules and regulations shall be in such form and be so administered as to serve the true purpose of this subchapter.

(10) Make a continuous study and investigation of:

a. The operation and administration of similar laws which may be in effect in other states and countries;

b. Any literature on the subject which from time to time may be published or available;

c. Any federal laws which may affect the operation of the lottery; and

d. The reaction of Delaware citizens to existing and potential features of the games with a view to recommending or effecting changes that will tend to serve the purposes of this subchapter.

(11) Make available to the State Auditor or the State Auditor’s representative such information as may be required to perform an annual audit as prescribed in Chapter 29 of this title.

(12) Establish state-operated sales offices, without limit as to number or location, as the Director shall deem suitable and economical in order to make lottery tickets more available to the public, which offices shall be operated solely from funds generated by the lotteries permitted by this subchapter.

(13) License as video lottery agents each person, corporation or association which, in 1993, held either a horse racing meet pursuant to Title 3 or Title 28 or a harness horse racing meet pursuant to Title 3 and who satisfies such fitness and background standards as the Director may promulgate pursuant to paragraph (a)(16) of this section. In the event that there shall have been or shall be a change of ownership or such person, corporation or association after the close of the 1993 racing meet then the issuance by the Director of a license to serve as a video lottery agent shall be conditioned upon the Director’s determination that such person, corporation or association shall have met the requirements of § 4806(a)(1)-(4) and (b) of this title and satisfies such fitness and background standards as the Director may promulgate pursuant to paragraph (a)(16) of this section. Change of ownership occurring after the Director has issued a license shall automatically terminate the license 90 days thereafter unless the Director has determined after application to issue a license to the new owner(s) because the new owner(s) have met the requirements of § 4806(a)(1)-(4) and (b) of this title and satisfied such fitness and background standards as the Director may promulgate pursuant to paragraph (a)(16) of this section. Any license granted pursuant to this subsection is a privilege personal to the video lottery agent and is not a legal right. A license granted or renewed pursuant to this subsection may not be transferred or assigned to another person, nor may a license be pledged as collateral. For purposes of this subsection, “a change of ownership” shall have occurred if more than 20 percent of the legal or beneficial interests in such person, corporation or association shall be transferred, whether by direct or indirect means.

(14) Whenever the Director deems necessary, examine all accounts, bank accounts, financial statements and records of the licensee in a licensee’s possession or under its control in which it has an interest and the licensee must authorize all third parties, including parents, subsidiaries or related entities, in possession or control of the accounts or records of the licensee to allow examination of any of those accounts or records by the Director. None of the information disclosed pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, § 10001 et seq. of this title.

(15) Subpoena witnesses and compel the production of books, papers and documents of a licensee in connection with any hearings of the Director and may administer oaths or affirmations to the witnesses whenever, in the judgment of the Director, it may be necessary for the effectual discharge of duties.

If any person refuses to obey any subpoena or to testify or to produce any books, papers or documents, then the Director may apply to the Superior Court of the county in which the Director may be sitting and, thereupon, the Court shall issue its subpoena requiring the person to appear and testify or to produce the books, papers and documents before the Director. Whoever fails to obey or refuses to obey a subpoena of the Superior Court shall be guilty of contempt of court and shall be punished accordingly. False swearing on the part of any witness shall be deemed perjury and shall be punished as such.

(16) Bar, pursuant to §§ 4834 and 4835 of this title, any person from entering the premises of a video lottery agent or from participating in any capacity in the play of any table game, sports lottery game, video lottery game, or Internet lottery game, and, as applicable, procure such assistance from video lottery agents as is appropriate to enforce any such bar.

(17) Impose reasonable fees, as set by the Director and payable to the Office, upon applicants for licenses pursuant to §§ 4828 and 4829 of this title for the conduct of the review and investigation of the applicant, such fees to approximate and reasonably reflect all costs necessary to defray the expenses of the lottery and Division of Gaming Enforcement.

(18) Require video lottery agents to submit regular internal control submissions, which shall contain a narrative description of the internal control system to be utilized by the video lottery facility, including, but not limited to:

a. Accounting controls, including the standardization of forms and definition of terms to be utilized in the gaming;

b. Procedures, forms and, where appropriate, formulas covering the calculation of hold percentages; revenue drop; expense and overhead schedules; complimentary services;

c. Job descriptions and the system of personnel and chain-of-command, establishing a diversity of responsibility among employees engaged in gaming operations and identifying primary and secondary supervisory oversight responsibilities; and personnel practices;

d. Procedures within the cashier’s cage for the receipt, storage and disbursal of chips, cash, and other cash equivalents used in wagering; the cashing of checks; the redemption of chips and other cash equivalents used in gaming;

e. Procedures for the collection and security of moneys at the gaming tables;

f. Procedures for the transfer and recordation of chips between the gaming tables and the cashier’s cage and the transfer and recordation of moneys within the facility;

g. Procedures for the transfer of moneys from the gaming tables to the counting process and the transfer of moneys within the facility for the counting process;

h. Procedures and security for the counting and recordation of table game revenue;

i. Procedures and security standards for the handling and storage of gaming apparatus, including cards, dice, machines, wheels and all other gaming equipment;

j. Procedures and rules governing the conduct of particular games and the responsibility of casino personnel in respect thereto;

k. Procedures for the security, storage and recording of cash, chips, and cash equivalents utilized in gaming operations.

(19) Make Internet lottery games available at such websites and in such a manner as determined by the Office in accordance with this chapter, and utilizing technology to ensure that players are legally eligible to engage in such gaming.

(c) (1) The licenses granted pursuant to paragraph (b)(13) of this section or § 4825 of this title may be revoked or suspended for cause upon 30 days’ written notice to the licensee or due to a change in ownership as set forth in those provisions, but shall otherwise not be subject to expiration or termination. “Cause” shall by way of example and not by limitation include falsifying any application for license or report required by the rules and regulations, the failure to report any information required by the rules and regulations, the material violation of any rules and regulations promulgated by the Director or any conduct by the licensee which undermines the public confidence in the video lottery system or serves the interest of organized gambling or crime and criminals in any manner. A license may be revoked for an unintentional violation of any federal, state or local law, rule or regulation provided that the violation is not cured within a reasonable time as determined by the Director; or a longer period where the video lottery agent has made diligent efforts to cure. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this subsection shall otherwise prohibit the termination or revocation of a license in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted hereunder.

(2) Within 30 days after an adverse determination by the Director, the licensee seeking to appeal the revocation or suspension for cause may demand a hearing before the Lottery Commission and show cause why the Director’s determination was in error. Failure to demand a hearing within the time allotted in this paragraph precludes the person from having an administrative hearing, but in no way affects his or her right to petition for judicial review.

(3) Upon receipt of a licensee’s demand for a hearing under this subsection, the Lottery Commission shall set a time and place for the hearing. This hearing must not be held later than 30 days after receipt of the demand for the hearing, unless the time of the hearing is changed by the Lottery Commission with the agreement of the Director and the licensee. At the hearing, the licensee shall have the affirmative obligation to demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that the Director’s determination was in error under the criteria for cause established by this subsection and any regulations hereunder.

(4) If, upon completion of the hearing, the Lottery Commission determines that the licensee has met its burden of proof, an order to that effect shall be entered and the license shall be reinstated. If, upon completion of the hearing, the Lottery Commission finds that the licensee has not met its burden of proof, an order shall be entered to that effect. This order is subject to review in the Superior Court pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act (Chapter 101 of this title).

(5) Any decision of the Director relating to the business plan or the number of video lottery machines to be awarded to licensees under § 4820(b) of this title shall be appealable under the Administrative Procedures Act (Chapter 101 of this title) in the manner of a case decision.

59 Del. Laws, c. 348, § 1;  61 Del. Laws, c. 189, § 1;  69 Del. Laws, c. 446, §§ 4-8, 10-13;  70 Del. Laws, c. 167, § 1;  70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1;  71 Del. Laws, c. 184, § 2;  71 Del. Laws, c. 253, §§ 3-5;  74 Del. Laws, c. 53, § 1;  77 Del. Laws, c. 28, §§ 3-9;  77 Del. Laws, c. 219, §§ 5-11;  78 Del. Laws, c. 285, § 4;  79 Del. Laws, c. 1, §§ 1, 4;  79 Del. Laws, c. 77, § 5;  82 Del. Laws, c. 158, § 1;  83 Del. Laws, c. 70, § 1;