(a) The Lottery Commission is created in the Department of Finance. The Lottery Commission shall be composed of 5 members who shall be citizens of the State, including at least 1 certified public accountant, 1 lawyer, 1 businessperson, 1 person with experience in law enforcement, and 1 public member, all of whom shall be appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate, provided however, no member shall be a member of the Standardbred Owners Association, the Delaware Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association, or an owner, employee or agent of a video lottery agent or sports lottery agent. The Governor shall name the Chairperson of the Commission from among its members and the Chairperson shall serve in that capacity at the Governor’s pleasure. Each of the members shall serve for a term of 5 years and until that member’s successor qualifies. No member shall serve for more than 1 full 5-year term. Not more than 3 members of the Commission shall be of the same political party. No member shall hold any elected or appointed office under the government of the United States or the State or be a candidate for such office.
(b) A person appointed to fill a vacancy on the Lottery Commission holds office for the remainder of the unexpired term of the former member. Of the initial members, 1 must be appointed for a 1-year term, 1 must be appointed for a 2-year term, 1 must be appointed for a 3-year term, and 1 must be appointed for a 4-year term and the remainder must be appointed for a 5-year term. Thereafter, all members shall serve 5-year terms.
(c) Prior to the nomination of a candidate to serve on the Lottery Commission, the Division of Gaming Enforcement shall review, in accordance with the standards of a key employee, the background, qualifications and suitability of each nominee and make an appropriate report to the Governor. The Governor may at any time, after notice and hearing, remove any Commission member for gross inefficiency, neglect of duty, malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office.
(d) To serve on the Lottery Commission, a member may not be and may not ever have been an employee, officer, director, owner of securities of a video lottery agent or sports lottery agent, or owner of a licensed service company, nor a member of the immediate family of an employee, officer, director or owner of a video lottery agent or sports lottery agent; may not ever have had a material or financial interest in a video lottery agent, sports lottery agent, or a licensed service company; and may not ever have been engaged in any services on behalf of a video lottery agent, sports lottery agent, or a licensed service company related to the activities of the lottery. The provisions of Chapter 58 of Title 29 (State Employees’, Officers’ and Officials’ Code of Conduct) apply to all members of the Lottery Commission and to all agents appointed or otherwise employed by the Lottery Commission. No person convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude shall be eligible for appointment nor appointed as a commissioner.
(e) The Lottery Commission shall have powers, duties and responsibilities as specified in this title. Included among the powers, duties and responsibilities are those specified in this subsection. The Lottery Commission shall receive reasonable staff support in the performance of its duties from Department of Finance staff who do not report to the Office, and from a deputy attorney general assigned to the Commission. The Lottery Commission shall:
(1) Provide the Secretary of Finance and Director with advice and guidance with respect to the development of policy in those areas where rule- and regulation-making authority is entrusted to the Director.
(2) Provide guidance on new initiatives which may from time to time be proposed by the Director and recommend to the Director initiatives that the Commission believes would benefit the Lottery.
(3) Conduct hearings relating to licensing disputes, exclusion list disputes, and other disputes as specified in this chapter or by rule and regulation.
(4) As it deems necessary, subpoena witnesses and documents, administer and examine persons under oath, and appoint hearing officers as the Commission finds appropriate to conduct investigations and hearings pursuant to this chapter. If any person refuses to obey any subpoena or to testify or to produce any books, papers or documents, then the Director may apply to the Superior Court of the county in which the Commission may be sitting and, thereupon, the Court shall issue its subpoena requiring the person to appear and testify or to produce the books, papers and documents before the Director. Whoever fails to obey or refuses to obey a subpoena of the Superior Court shall be guilty of contempt of court and shall be punished accordingly. False swearing on the part of any witness shall be deemed perjury and shall be punished as such.
(5) Review and approve all regulations issued by the Director on or after July 1, 2010, pursuant to specific provisions of this title, before such regulations are implemented.
(f) The members of the Board shall receive $250 for each day’s attendance at the meetings of the Commission, not to exceed 24 days’ attendance in any 1 calendar year; and they shall be reimbursed for their actual travel and other necessary expenses incurred in attending meetings and transacting the business of the Commission.
77 Del. Laws, c. 219, § 20; 78 Del. Laws, c. 285, §§ 19, 20;