- By July 1, 2013, the consortium shall review existing dual credit pilot projects established under this chapter, determine the viability of those courses for statewide implementation and implement statewide those courses determined to be viable. Additionally, the consortium shall develop and implement statewide postsecondary courses, with accompanying challenge examinations, that reflect common learning outcomes established among the postsecondary institutions that have the course already in the individual institution’s academic inventory. The initial statewide early postsecondary credit opportunities and their assessments shall be piloted on a statewide basis in the 2013-2014 school year in those high schools that choose to integrate the postsecondary curriculum into their secondary programs of study. In succeeding years additional early postsecondary credit opportunities, including dual enrollment, shall be developed as funds are made available for this purpose.
- The consortium, in cooperation with the office of postsecondary coordination and alignment, shall develop a plan for the establishment of statewide early postsecondary credit opportunities through dual enrollment and dual credit, and for the other purposes of § 49-15-101. This plan shall not prevent an individual postsecondary institution from initiating dual credit or dual enrollment opportunities with individual high schools. Participating high schools and postsecondary institutions developing unique dual credit or dual enrollment opportunities shall notify students prior to such dual credit course being taught of the availability of transfer of the course.
- For the purpose of dual credit, the plan shall establish a process for the development of challenge examinations consistent with the most current “Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing” developed jointly by the American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association and National Council on Measurement in Education and shall result in a statewide challenge examination program for designated postsecondary courses. Those dual credit courses identified within the plan that are part of the Tennessee transfer pathways shall be developed in alignment with the Complete College Act of 2010, codified in § 49-7-202(r)(1) and (2).
- Dual enrollment opportunities under this plan shall demonstrate equivalent postsecondary course learning outcomes and equivalent faculty preparation in order for the course to be taught in the high school.
- The chancellor of the board of regents and the president of the University of Tennessee, or their designees, shall be responsible for the convocation of postsecondary faculty to develop statewide early postsecondary credit opportunities within the plan developed under this section.
- The office of postsecondary coordination and alignment shall:
- Make recommendations to the consortium for the development of specific early postsecondary credit opportunities. Each recommendation shall demonstrate how the opportunity is integrated within a secondary college-and-career pathway of study;
- Provide such funds as are necessary for the implementation of the plan of the consortium;
- Develop a secure database to maintain escrowed assessment scores resulting from dual credit course challenge examinations. Additionally, the office shall provide a process for furnishing postsecondary institutions access to a student’s score, for the purpose of evaluating the score for possible postsecondary credit; and
- Make available to students, their parents, and other stakeholders, prior to students enrolling in an early postsecondary credit course, the requirements for receipt of credit at each postsecondary institution and the transferability of credits among public postsecondary institutions.
- The state board of education, the board of regents and the board of trustees of the University of Tennessee shall have final approval of statewide early postsecondary credit initiatives relevant to their individual institutions.
- Funds appropriated prior to July 1, 2012, to the state board of education to fund the consortium that are unexpended shall be transferred by the state board of education to the department to fund activities of the office of postsecondary coordination and alignment and the consortium under this chapter.