As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
- “Council” means the twelve-member energy efficient schools council created by this chapter;
- “Energy audit” means any professional energy audit used to determine the energy efficiency of a structure that is performed by an energy auditor;
- “Energy auditor” means any person approved to perform professional energy audits;
- “Payback period” means the time within which the cost savings realized by incorporating energy efficient technologies equals the initial cost of the technology employed;
- “Qualifying capital outlay project” means any project for new or existing kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) education facilities that satisfy the energy efficient schools council guidelines for improving energy efficiency as well as comply with the requirements of the Constitution of Tennessee, Article XI, § 5; and
- “Sustainable building design” means designing facilities using a strategy that takes into account approaches that benefit the environment and quality of life of a community.