RCW 49.19.020
Workplace violence plan—Security and safety assessment.
(1) Every three years, each health care setting shall develop and implement a plan to prevent and protect employees from violence at the setting. In a health care setting with a safety committee established pursuant to RCW 49.17.050 and related rules, or workplace violence committee that is comprised of employee-elected and employer-selected members where the number of employee-elected members equal or exceed the number of employer-selected members, that committee shall develop, implement, and monitor progress on the plan.
(2) The plan developed under subsection (1) of this section shall outline strategies aimed at addressing security considerations and factors that may contribute to or prevent the risk of violence, including but not limited to the following:
(a) The physical attributes of the health care setting, including security systems, alarms, emergency response, and security personnel available;
(b) Staffing, including staffing patterns, patient classifications, and procedures to mitigate employees time spent alone working in areas at high risk for workplace violence;
(c) Job design, equipment, and facilities;
(d) First aid and emergency procedures;
(e) The reporting of violent acts;
(f) Employee education and training requirements and implementation strategy;
(g) Security risks associated with specific units, areas of the facility with uncontrolled access, late night or early morning shifts, and employee security in areas surrounding the facility such as employee parking areas; and
(h) Processes and expected interventions to provide assistance to an employee directly affected by a violent act.
(2) [(3)] Each health care setting shall annually review the frequency of incidents of workplace violence including identification of the causes for and consequences of, violent acts at the setting and any emerging issues that contribute to workplace violence. The health care setting shall adjust the plan developed under subsection (1) of this section as necessary based on this annual review.
(3) [(4)] In developing the plan required by subsection (1) of this section, the health care setting shall consider any guidelines on violence in the workplace or in health care settings issued by the department of health, the department of social and health services, the department of labor and industries, the federal occupational safety and health administration, medicare, and health care setting accrediting organizations.
[ 2019 c 430 § 2; 1999 c 377 § 3.]NOTES:
Effective date—2019 c 430: See note following RCW 49.19.010.