- As used in this section:
- “Certificate” or “diploma” has the same meaning as defined in § 49-4-902, except that “certificate” or “diploma” also means a credential, other than a degree, the receipt of which indicates satisfactory completion of training in a program of study offered by a community college operated by the board of regents of the state university and community college system; and
- “Course” includes a course taken at an eligible postsecondary institution, or the equivalent at a Tennessee college of applied technology.
- A high school student who is also enrolled in an eligible postsecondary institution is eligible for a dual enrollment grant, if the student:
- Is not ineligible for the grant under § 49-4-904;
- Is a resident of this state, as classified pursuant to § 49-8-104;
- Is admitted to an eligible postsecondary institution as a dual enrollment student; and
- Applies for the dual enrollment grant each academic year in which the student takes a dual enrollment course.
- A student receiving a dual enrollment grant may enroll in one (1) course per semester at an eligible postsecondary institution under the following conditions:
- To be eligible for a dual enrollment grant for a semester beyond the first semester of receipt in an academic year, the student must continue to meet all eligibility requirements for the grant and must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 for all postsecondary courses attempted under a dual enrollment grant; and
- Notwithstanding subdivision (c)(1), a student enrolled in a clock hour course that is not completed within one (1) semester, maintains eligibility for the grant in the subsequent semester so long as the student attends the number of clock hours required for grant disbursement for that course and continues to meet all eligibility requirements.
- A student receiving a dual enrollment grant may enroll in two (2) additional courses per semester at an eligible postsecondary institution as a dual enrollment student, if the student:
- Is a junior or senior in high school; and
- Has qualified academically for a Tennessee HOPE scholarship by attaining the required composite ACT score or the concordant equivalent score on the SAT; or
- Has achieved an high school grade point average of at least 3.0 for all high school work completed prior to the semester of enrollment as a dual enrollment student, if the student is enrolled in an eligible high school.
- A course attempted as a dual enrollment student does not count toward the limitation on receiving a Tennessee HOPE scholarship under § 49-4-913. Financial assistance received for all dual enrollment courses attempted after the fourth course reduces the amount of any subsequent award of the Tennessee HOPE scholarship on a dollar-for-dollar basis.
- lf a dual enrollment student enrolls in an eligible public postsecondary institution after graduation from high school, then the eligible public postsecondary institution shall not deny credit toward an associate or baccalaureate degree for any college course taken as a dual enrollment student if the student successfully completed the course. lf the dual enrollment course was not taken at the institution in which the student enrolls after graduation from high school, then the course qualifies for transfer credit.
- It is the intent of the general assembly that:
- Funding for Tennessee HOPE scholarships, Tennessee HOPE access grants, and Wilder-Naifeh technical skills grants take priority over funding for dual enrollment grants; and
- The dual enrollment grant program be fully funded before any funds in the lottery for education account are transferred to the Tennessee Promise scholarship endowment fund pursuant to § 49-4-708.
- Subject to the amounts appropriated by the general assembly and any law relating to a shortfall in funds available for postsecondary financial assistance from the net proceeds of the state lottery, a student who is eligible to receive a dual enrollment grant pursuant to this section is eligible to receive a dual enrollment grant for no more than ten (10) courses. TSAC’s board of directors shall determine the award for a credit hour taken under a dual enrollment grant. TSAC’s board of directors shall not award an amount for a credit hour taken under a dual enrollment grant that exceeds the cost per credit hour of courses taken at community colleges in the state university and community college system.
- It is the intent of the general assembly that:
- Notwithstanding subsection (g), it is the intent of the general assembly that the award for dual enrollment courses annually identified as high-need by TSAC’s board of directors pursuant to this subsection (h) covers the cost of maintenance fees for no more than four (4) courses attempted by a student under the following limitations:
- The maximum award for courses at eligible two-year and four-year postsecondary institutions must not exceed the maintenance fees established annually for the community colleges by the state university and community college system; and
- The maximum award at Tennessee colleges of applied technology must not exceed the maintenance fees associated with the attempted average clock hours weighted by program participation among dual enrollment students. This award amount must be calculated annually using the maintenance fees established by the state university and community college system.
- TSAC’s board of directors may consider the following reports, in addition to other relevant information, to identify high-need courses for which a student is eligible to receive an award described in this section:
- The annual workforce and credential report described in § 49-7-112; and
- The annual workforce needs report described in § 49-7-1209.
- TSAC is authorized to promulgate rules to establish award amounts at the eligible postsecondary institutions and to otherwise effectuate the purposes of this section. The rules shall be promulgated in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5.