49-424. Duties of department
The department shall:
1. Determine whether the meteorology of the state is such that airsheds can be reasonably identified and air pollution, therefore, can be controlled by establishing air pollution control districts within well defined geographical areas.
2. Make continuing determinations of the quantity and nature of emissions of air contaminants, topography, wind and temperature conditions, possible chemical reactions in the atmosphere, the character of development of the various areas of the state, the economic effect of remedial measures on the various areas of the state, the availability, use and economic feasibility of air-cleaning devices, the effect on human health and danger to property from air contaminants, the effect on industrial operations of remedial measures and other matters necessary to arrive at a better understanding of air pollution and its control. In a county with a population in excess of one million two hundred thousand persons, the department shall locate a monitoring system in at least two remote geographic sites.
3. Establish substantive policy statements for identifying air quality exceptional events that take into consideration this state’s unique geological, geographical and climatological conditions and any other unusual circumstances. These substantive policy statements shall be developed with the planning agency certified pursuant to section 49-406, subsection A and the county air pollution control department or district.
4. Determine the standards for the quality of the ambient air and the limits of air contaminants necessary to protect the public health, and to secure the comfortable enjoyment of life and property by the citizens of the state or in any defined geographical area of the state where the concentration of air pollution sources, the health of the population, or the nature of the economy or nature of land and its uses so require, and develop and transmit to the county boards of supervisors minimum state standards for air pollution control.
5. Conduct investigations, inspections and tests to carry out the duties of this section under the procedures established by this article.
6. Hold hearings relating to any aspect of or matter within the duties of this section, and in connection therewith, compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of records under the procedures established by section 49-432.
7. Prepare and develop a comprehensive plan or plans for the abatement and control of air pollution in this state.
8. Encourage voluntary cooperation by advising and consulting with persons or affected groups or other states to achieve the purposes of this chapter, including voluntary testing of actual or suspected sources of air pollution.
9. Encourage political subdivisions of the state to handle air pollution problems within their respective jurisdictions, and provide as it deems necessary technical and consultative assistance therefor.
10. Compile and publish from time to time reports, data and statistics with respect to those matters studied and investigated by the department.
11. Develop and disseminate air quality dust forecasts for the Maricopa county PM-10 nonattainment or maintenance area and any other PM-10 nonattainment or maintenance areas that are designated in this state from and after December 31, 2011. Each forecast shall identify a low, moderate or high risk of dust generation for the next five consecutive days and shall be issued by noon on each day the forecast is generated. At a minimum, the forecasts shall be posted on the department’s website and distributed electronically. When developing these forecasts, the department shall consider all of the following:
(a) Projected meteorological conditions for the PM-10 nonattainment or maintenance area, including all of the following:
(i) Wind speed and direction.
(ii) Stagnation.
(iii) Recent precipitation.
(iv) Potential for precipitation.
(b) Existing concentrations of air pollution at the time of the forecast.
(c) Historic air pollution concentrations that have been observed during meteorological conditions similar to those that are predicted to occur in the forecast.