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49-541. Definitions

In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. " Area A" means the area delineated as follows:

(a) In Maricopa county:

Township 8 north, range 2 east and range 3 east

Township 7 north, range 2 west through range 5 east

Township 6 north, range 5 west through range 6 east

Township 5 north, range 5 west through range 7 east

Township 4 north, range 5 west through range 8 east

Township 3 north, range 5 west through range 8 east

Township 2 north, range 5 west through range 8 east

Township 1 north, range 5 west through range 7 east

Township 1 south, range 5 west through range 7 east

Township 2 south, range 5 west through range 7 east

Township 3 south, range 5 west through range 1 east

Township 4 south, range 5 west through range 1 east

(b) In Pinal county:

Township 1 north, range 8 east and range 9 east

Township 1 south, range 8 east and range 9 east

Township 2 south, range 8 east and range 9 east

Township 3 south, range 7 east through range 9 east

(c) In Yavapai county:

Township 7 north, range 1 east and range 1 west through range 2 west

Township 6 north, range 1 east and range 1 west

2. " Area B" means the area delineated in Pima county as township 11 and 12 south, range 12 through 14 east; township 13 through 15 south, range 11 through 16 east; township 16 south, range 12 through 16 east, excluding any portion of the Coronado national forest and the Saguaro national park.

3. " Certificate of inspection" means a serially numbered device or symbol, as may be prescribed by the director, indicating that a vehicle has been inspected pursuant to the provisions of section 49-546 and has passed inspection.

4. " Certificate of waiver" means a uniquely numbered device or symbol, as may be prescribed by the director, indicating that the requirement of passing reinspection has been waived for a vehicle pursuant to the provisions of this article.

5. " Conditioning mode" means either a fast idle test or a loaded test.

6. " Curb idle test" means an exhaust emissions test conducted with the engine of a vehicle running at the manufacturer’s specified idle speed plus or minus one hundred revolutions per minute but without pressure exerted on the accelerator.

7. " Emissions inspection station permit" means a certificate issued by the director authorizing the holder to perform vehicular inspections pursuant to this article.

8. " Fast idle test" means an exhaust emissions test conducted with the engine of the vehicle running under an accelerated condition to an extent prescribed by the director.

9. " Fleet emissions inspection station" means any inspection facility operated under a permit issued to a qualified fleet owner or lessee as determined by the director.

10. " Golf cart" means a motor vehicle which has not less than three wheels in contact with the ground, has an unladen weight of less than thirteen hundred pounds, is designed to be and is operated at not more than fifteen miles an hour and is designed to carry golf equipment and persons.

11. " Gross weight" has the same meaning prescribed in section 28-5431.

12. " Independent contractor" means any person, business, firm, partnership or corporation with which the director may enter into an agreement providing for the construction, equipment, maintenance, personnel, management and operation of official emissions inspection stations pursuant to section 49-545.

13. " Loaded test" means an exhaust emissions test conducted at cruise or transient conditions as prescribed by the director.

14. " Official emissions inspection station" means an inspection facility, other than a fleet emissions inspection station, whether placed in a permanent structure or in a mobile unit for conveyance among various locations within this state, for the purpose of conducting emissions inspections of all vehicles required to be inspected pursuant to this article.

15. " Tampering" means removing, defeating or altering an emissions control device which was installed at the time a vehicle was manufactured.

16. " Vehicle" means any automobile, truck, truck tractor, motor bus or self-propelled or motor-driven vehicle registered or to be registered in this state and used upon the public highways of this state for the purpose of transporting persons or property, except implements of husbandry, road rollers or road machinery temporarily operated upon the highway.

17. " Vehicle emissions control area" means area A or area B.