- Each LEA shall track the operation and performance of alternative school programs operated by the LEA or contractually operated for the LEA. LEAs shall measure and report to the department of education alternative school success through academic indicators and behavior indicators.
- Academic indicators shall include, but not be limited to, grade point averages or other student academic performance measures, performance on the Tennessee comprehensive assessment program (TCAP), performance on the end-of-course assessments, attendance, dropout rates and graduation rates, for students in alternative schools or who have been in alternative schools.
- Behavioral indicators shall include, but not be limited to, disciplinary reports and subsequent remands to alternative schools.
- The department of education shall provide guidance in the reporting of the required data.
- The state board of education shall seek to improve performance of alternative school programs by promulgating or revising rules and regulations requiring greater accountability by the department of education and LEAs for outcomes of students served by alternative schools.