(a) The official ballot to be used at general elections shall appear on the electronic voting machine in substantially the following form:
Election District of ____ Virgin Islands General
Elections held on the ____ day of November ____
To vote for any individual candidate depress the button opposite the name of that candidate.
To vote a straight party ticket, that is for all candidates of a particular party, depress the button opposite the name, emblem or symbol of the party of your choice.
If the political party you have selected does not have a complete slate of candidates, you may vote for additional candidates so that the total number of candidates from the political party you have selected plus the additional candidates does not exceed the total number for which you are entitled to vote.
To vote for a person whose name is not on the ballot, write or paste his name in the blank space provided for that purpose.
Party “(A)” (emblem)
Party “(B)” (emblem)
John Hill (for Governor) Party “A”
Fred Mill (for Lieutenant Governor)
Tom Smith (for Governor) Party “B”
Frank Jones (for Lieutenant Governor)
Sam Allen (for Governor) Citizens
Jim Hart (for Lieutenant Governor)
John Doe Party “A”
Mary Smith Party “B”
Richard Roe Citizens
Jane Gray Independent
Jack Brown Party “A”
Frank Rose Independent
Billy Wilson Citizens
Tom Swift Party “A”
Jim Stevens Citizens
Fred David Party “B”
John Penn Party “A”
Mary White Party “A”
Mickey Morton Citizens
Willy Moor Independent
Ringo Ryan Party “B”
Billy Budd Party “A”
Juan Fulano Party “B”
Lucy Lamb Party “B”
Jim Martin Party “A”
James Bond Party “B”
George James Independent
Alice Brown Party “A”
Fred Thomas Party “B”
(In the same manner and form, insert any other public offices to be elected at the general election).
(b) The names of the candidates shall, in all cases, be arranged under the title of the office for which they are candidates, and shall be printed thereunder in the order determined by a casting of lots as provided by section 419 of this title.
(c) On the back of each ballot shall be printed in prominent type the words “OFFICIAL BALLOT” followed by the designation of the polling district for which it is prepared, the date of the election and the facsimile signature of the Supervisor of Elections.
(d) Opposite or under the name of each candidate shall be printed the name of the political party and the political party symbol or political body which nominated him, and opposite and under the name of each candidate nominated by nomination papers which did not specify the name or appellation of the political body which he represents, shall be printed the word “Independent”, and at the right of such party name or designation there shall be a square of sufficient size for the convenient insertion of a crossmark.
(e) Whenever any candidate shall receive more than one nomination for the same office, his name shall be printed once, and the names of each political party or body so nominating him shall be printed opposite the name of such candidate, arranged in the same order as those names are arranged in the Party Column. At the right of every party name or appellation shall be a square of sufficient size for the convenient insertion of a crossmark.
(f) In order that each elector may have the opportunity at an election of designating his choice for all the candidates nominated by one political party, there shall be printed at the top of the ballot and separated from the remainder of the ballot by a space of at least one-half inch, a Party Column containing a list of the names of all of the political parties represented on such ballot which shall have nominated candidates to be voted for at such election. Such names shall be arranged in the order of the total number of votes obtained at the last general election by all the candidates for Senator at Large of the respective parties represented on the ballot, beginning with the party that received the highest such total number of votes. Following the names of such political parties shall be the names of the parties not represented on the ballot at the last general election, arranged alphabetically according to the party name or appellation. The party emblem and a square of sufficient size for the convenient insertion of a crossmark shall be placed at the right of each party name or appellation.
(g) The official ballots shall vary in form only as the names of election districts, offices, candidates or the provisions of this title may require.
(h) Elections of the Boards of Elections and the Board of Education shall be conducted on a separate ballot which shall be substantially in the same form as the ballot form set forth in subsection (a) of this section, except as follows:
(1) The ballot shall be on colored paper and shall be headed, under the words “Official Ballot”, “Board of Elections and Board of Education”.
(2) For the Boards of Elections, there shall be printed on the ballot for the St. Croix election district under a heading “Board of Election-St. Croix Election District”, the words “(vote for not more than ten)”; and there shall be printed on the ballot for the St. Thomas-St. John election district under a heading “Board of Election-St. Thomas-St. John Election District”, the following language.
- Each elector may vote for a total of ten (10) candidates.
1. Candidates resident in St. John (Vote for not more than two (2) in this column).
2. Candidates resident in St. Thomas (Vote for not more than eight (8) in this column).
- Each elector may vote for a total of ten (10) candidates.
(3) Ballots for the Boards of Elections and the Board of Education shall not carry a party column.