Sec. 14. (a) Except as provided in subsection (d), this section applies to employees of the state who are:
(1) members of the fund; and
(2) paid by the auditor of state by salary warrants.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (d), this section does not apply to the employees of the state employed by:
(1) a body corporate and politic of the state created by state statute; or
(2) a state educational institution (as defined in IC 21-7-13-32).
(c) As used in this section, “employees of the state” has the meaning set forth in IC 5-10.3-7-1.
(d) The chief executive officer of a body or institution described in subsection (b) may elect to have this section apply to the employees of the state employed by the body or institution by submitting a written notice of the election to the director. An election under this subsection is effective on the later of:
(1) the date the notice of the election is received by the director; or
(2) July 1, 2013.
(e) The board shall adopt provisions to establish a retirement medical benefits account within the fund under Section 401(h) or as a separate fund under another applicable section of the Internal Revenue Code for the purpose of converting unused excess accrued leave to a monetary contribution for an employee of the state to fund on a pretax basis benefits for sickness, accident, hospitalization, and medical expenses for the employee and the spouse and dependents of the employee after the employee’s retirement. The state may match all or a portion of an employee’s contributions to the retirement medical benefits account established under this section.
(f) The board is the trustee of the account described in subsection (e). The account must be qualified, as determined by the Internal Revenue Service, as a separate account within the fund whose benefits are subordinate to the retirement benefits provided by the fund.
(g) The board may adopt rules under IC 5-10.5-4-2 that it considers appropriate or necessary to implement this section after consulting with the state personnel department. The rules adopted by the board under this section must:
(1) be consistent with the federal and state law that applies to:
(A) the account described in subsection (e); and
(B) the fund; and
(2) include provisions concerning:
(A) the type and amount of leave that may be converted to a monetary contribution;
(B) the conversion formula for valuing any leave that is converted;
(C) the manner of employee selection of leave conversion; and
(D) the vesting schedule for any leave that is converted.
(h) The board may adopt the following:
(1) Account provisions governing:
(A) the investment of amounts in the account; and
(B) the accounting for converted leave.
(2) Any other provisions that are necessary or appropriate for operation of the account.
(i) The account described in subsection (e) may be implemented only if the board has received from the Internal Revenue Service any rulings or determination letters that the board considers necessary or appropriate.
(j) To the extent allowed by:
(1) the Internal Revenue Code; and
(2) rules adopted by:
(A) the board under this section; and
(B) the state personnel department under IC 5-10-1.1-7.5;
employees of the state may convert unused excess accrued leave to a monetary contribution under this section and under IC 5-10-1.1-7.5.
As added by P.L.220-2005, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.44-2007, SEC.2; P.L.35-2012, SEC.82; P.L.54-2013, SEC.1; P.L.205-2013, SEC.76; P.L.91-2014, SEC.15; P.L.241-2015, SEC.23.