Sec. 19. (a) The Northwest Indiana Law Enforcement Academy, including the academy’s board of directors, is designated as a criminal justice agency.
(b) The Northwest Indiana Law Enforcement Academy is a board certified training center.
(c) As a designated criminal justice agency, the board of directors of the Northwest Indiana Law Enforcement Academy:
(1) has all the duties and privileges of a police agency;
(2) may appoint, through its executive director, police officers for the Northwest Indiana Law Enforcement Academy;
(3) shall establish all rules, policies, and procedures concerning the internal organization, duties, and responsibilities of the police agency, to include:
(A) prescribing a distinctive uniform; and
(B) designating and operating emergency vehicles; and
(4) may undertake investigations according to the purposes of this chapter.
As added by P.L.75-2015, SEC.1.