Sec. 4. A law enforcement agency shall accept immediately a report made in person concerning a missing person, including if one (1) or more of the following circumstances apply:
(1) The missing person is an adult.
(2) It does not appear that the person’s disappearance is the result of a crime.
(3) It does not appear that the missing person was within the jurisdiction served by the law enforcement agency at the time the person went missing. However, the law enforcement agency shall advise the person reporting the missing person to make the report to a law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction in the place that the missing person was last seen, or, if that place is unknown, to a law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction in the place where the missing person resides.
(4) It appears that the missing person’s disappearance may be voluntary.
(5) The person reporting the missing person is unable to provide all the information requested by the law enforcement agency.
(6) The person reporting the missing person does not have a familial relationship with the missing person.
As added by P.L.92-2007, SEC.1.