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Sec. 6. The technical assistance center shall:

(1) identify grants and other funds that may be used to fund:

(A) local crisis intervention teams;

(B) law enforcement agencies; and

(C) evaluation of the effectiveness of crisis intervention team training;

(2) create and support a statewide crisis intervention team advisory committee that includes representatives from:

(A) each local crisis intervention team in Indiana;

(B) state level stakeholders, including relevant provider groups;

(C) state agencies, including the division of mental health and addiction, the Indiana law enforcement academy, and other agencies considered appropriate; and

(D) advocacy organizations, including organizations representing people affected by mental illnesses and substance addiction disorders and other organizations considered appropriate;

(3) assist rural counties in creating crisis intervention teams and crisis intervention team training;

(4) provide established local crisis intervention teams with appropriate training, information, and technical assistance to:

(A) assist law enforcement agencies and law enforcement officers in providing a sense of dignity in crisis situations to an individual in crisis;

(B) identify underserved populations with mental illness, substance addiction disorders, or both, and link the populations to appropriate care;

(C) build partnerships and encourage formal agreements among local law enforcement, mental health providers, individuals and families affected by mental illness and substance addiction disorders, and other community stakeholders to improve system prevention and response to mental health and substance addiction disorder crises;

(D) develop and communicate a recommended best practices crisis intervention team training curriculum, consistent with recommended standards developed by CIT International; and

(E) identify and improve awareness of existing crisis response resources;

(5) communicate and disseminate existing standard protocols for law enforcement officers transferring an individual in crisis to medical personnel for treatment under an immediate detention under IC 12-26-4;

(6) recognize local crisis intervention teams and law enforcement officers trained in crisis intervention teams; and

(7) report on the status of crisis intervention teams in Indiana, including:

(A) the overall operation of crisis intervention teams in Indiana;

(B) problems local crisis intervention teams encounter and proposed solutions, as identified by the advisory committee described in subdivision (2);

(C) an evaluation of outcomes and best practices to achieve crisis intervention team goals, including:

(i) the reduction in the amount of time law enforcement officers spend out of service awaiting assessment and disposition of individuals in crisis;

(ii) reduction in injuries to law enforcement officers during crisis events;

(iii) reduction of the use of force when responding to individuals in crisis;

(iv) reduction in inappropriate arrests of individuals in crisis;

(v) reducing the need for mental health treatment in jails; and

(vi) other goals identified by the technical assistance center;

(D) information regarding the number of crisis intervention trained officers in each county;

(E) the addresses and directors of the local crisis intervention teams and whether each local crisis intervention team:

(i) is an established team meeting regularly to address local needs and host crisis intervention team training as needed;

(ii) is a developing team consisting of community stakeholders planning for future crisis intervention team training, but training has not yet taken place; or

(iii) is an inactive team, in which law enforcement officers were previously trained to be crisis intervention teams but there are no future plans for crisis intervention team training; and

(F) an analysis of costs and cost savings associated with crisis intervention teams.

As added by P.L.115-2015, SEC.4. Amended by P.L.102-2017, SEC.6.