§ 51-39-17. Incorporation of district; incorporation agreement; publication of notice of incorporation; filing of required documents; issuance of certificate of incorporation
Within thirty (30) days following the adoption of the final authorizing resolution or ordinance, the designated representatives shall proceed to incorporate a district by filing for record in the office of the chancery clerk of the participating counties and/or the clerk of participating municipalities, as the case may be, and the Secretary of State an incorporation agreement approved by each member. The agreement shall comply in form and substance with the requirements of this section and shall be executed in the manner provided in this chapter.
The incorporation agreement of a district shall state:
The name of each participating unit of local government and the date on which the governing bodies thereof adopted an authorizing resolution or ordinance;
The name of the district which must include the words ” _______________Storm Water Management District,” the blank spaces to be filled in with the name of one or more of the members or other geographically descriptive term. If the Secretary of State determines that the name is identical to the name of any other corporation organized under the laws of the state or so nearly similar as to lead to confusion and uncertainty, the incorporators may insert additional identifying words so as to eliminate any duplication or similarity;
The period for the duration of the district;
The location of the principal office of the district which shall be within the geographic boundaries of the district;
That the district is organized under this chapter;
The board setting forth the number of commissioners, terms of office and the vote of each commissioner;
If the exercise by the district of any of its powers is to be in any way prohibited, limited or conditioned, a statement of the terms of that prohibition, limitation or condition;
Any provisions relating to the vesting of title to its properties upon its dissolution which shall be vested in any member; and
Any other related matters relating to the district that the incorporators may choose to insert and that are not inconsistent with this chapter or with the laws of the state.
The incorporation agreement shall be signed and acknowledged by the incorporators before an officer authorized by the laws of the state to take acknowledgements. When the incorporation agreement is filed for record, there shall be attached to it a certified copy of the authorizing resolution or ordinance adopted by the governing body of each member.
The incorporators shall publish a notice of incorporation once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a daily newspaper or newspapers having general circulation throughout the area to be served.
Upon the filing for record of the agreement and the required documents, the district shall come into existence and shall constitute a public corporation under the name set forth in the incorporation agreement. The Secretary of State shall issue a certificate of incorporation to the district.
Upon issuance of the certificate of incorporation, the district shall be a public body corporate and politic constituting a political subdivision of the state with the power of perpetual succession and shall be deemed to be acting in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state in the performance of essential public functions. The district shall be empowered in accordance with this chapter to promote the health, welfare and prosperity of the general public.