- The principal of, and interest, if any, on the bonds, may be secured by a pledge of the revenues of the water authority of that project financed by the water authority through its issuance of bonds, or from any other source that the water authority may deem necessary and appropriate, and may be secured by the creation of a mortgage and security interest encumbering the real property of the water authority, or security interest in all personal property and revenues of the water authority as set forth in the indenture.
- The trustee under any indenture may be a trust company or bank having trust powers, whether located within or without the state.
- The indenture may contain any agreements and provisions customarily contained in instruments securing evidences of indebtedness including, without limiting, the generality of the foregoing provisions respecting the nature and extent of the security; the collection, segregation and application of the revenues generated from the operation of any project covered by the indenture; covenants to always operate the project as a revenue-producing undertaking and to charge and collect, including the obligation to increase from time to time, sufficient revenue to maintain income at required levels; the maintenance and insurance of the project; the creation and maintenance of reserve and other special funds; and the rights and remedies available in the event of default to the holders of the bonds or the trustees under the indenture, all as the board shall deem advisable and as shall not be in conflict with the provisions of this chapter.
- If there is any default by the water authority in payment of the principal of, or the interest, if any, on the bonds or in any of the agreements on the part of the water authority that may properly be included in any indenture securing the bonds, the bondholders or the trustee under any indenture, as authorized in the indenture, may either in law or in equity, by suit, action, mandamus, or other proceeding, enforce payment of the principal or interest, if any, and compel performance of all duties of the board and officers of the water authority, and shall be entitled as a matter of right and regardless of the sufficiency of any such security to the appointment of a receiver in equity with all the powers of that receiver for the operation and maintenance of the project covered by the indenture and the collection, segregation, and applications of income and revenues from the project.
- The indenture may contain provisions regarding the rights and remedies of any trustee under the indenture and the holders of the bonds and the coupons and restricting the individual rights of action of the holders of the bonds and coupons.
- There is created a statutory lien in the nature of a mortgage lien upon any project, system or systems acquired or constructed with proceeds of bonds issued by a water authority under this chapter, including all extensions and improvements thereof or combinations thereof subsequently made, the lien shall be in favor of the holder or holders of any bonds issued under this chapter, and all that property shall remain subject to the statutory lien until the payment in full of the principal of and interest, if any, on the bonds. Any holder of the bonds or any of the coupons representing interest on the bonds may, either at law or in equity, by suit, action, mandamus or other proceedings, in any court of competent jurisdiction, protect and enforce the statutory lien and compel the performance of all duties required by this chapter, including the making and collection of sufficient rates for the service or services, the proper accounting thereof, and the performance of any duties required by covenants with the holders of any bonds issued under this chapter.
If any default is made in the payment of the principal of or interest, if any, on the bonds, any court having jurisdiction of the action may appoint a receiver to administer the water authority and the project, system or systems, with power to charge and collect rates sufficient to provide for the payment of all bonds and obligations outstanding against project, system or systems, and for payment of operating expenses, and to apply the income and revenues thereof in conformity with the provisions of this chapter and any covenants with bondholders.