(a) The Board of Education in collaboration with the President of the University of the Virgin Islands shall establish a “Teacher Incentive Scholarship Program”, hereinafter the “Program”, commencing with the academic year 2001–2002, to attract qualified high school graduates to the teaching profession.
(b) Scholarships will be for full-time study at the University of the Virgin Islands or other accredited university or college meeting the standards established under rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to subsection (k) and recipients must declare, in writing, their intention to teach in the public schools of the territory for a period of not less than four years upon graduation.
(c) The annual amount of the award shall be equal to the total cost of tuition, and room and board for an academic year.
(d) Recipients must be graduates of an accredited high school, and they must be United States citizens or legally admitted permanent residents to the United States and its territories and possessions.
(e) Recipients must be accepted or enrolled in any accredited university or college and must meet other requirements established by rules and regulations promulgated under subsection (k).
(f) The total number of awards to be granted annually shall be determined by the Board of Education consistent with the availability of funds and shall be equally distributed between the districts of St. Thomas-St. John district and St. Croix.
(g) No later than one month following completion of study or graduation, recipients shall register with the Department of Education and make an application to begin service as a teacher in the Virgin Islands public school system.
(h) Any recipient who fails to complete the full course of study required for graduation shall become liable to the Government of the Virgin Islands for all sums received under the Program, plus the interest accruing on those monies at the current Federal Perkins loan rate at the time the person abrogated his participation in the Program.
(i) Any person failing to complete his teaching obligation, as required under subsection (b) of this section shall become liable to the Government of the Virgin Islands for all sums received under the Program for which service has been rendered, plus the interest accruing at the current Perkins loan rate at the time the person discontinues services, except in the case of deferral of debt for cause, or when there is no employment position immediately available upon a recipient’s completion of study or graduation.
(j) The obligation made by a recipient of a teacher incentive scholarship award shall not be voidable by reason of the age of the student at the time of receiving the scholarship.
(k) The Board of Education in collaboration with the President of the University of the Virgin Islands shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the proper administration of the Program and shall designate the person or persons charged to administer the Program.
(l) On or before August 1 of each year, the Board of Education shall submit to the Governor and Legislature, and make available for public distribution, a report setting forth the scholarships awarded graduates, and the status of the Program.