- The storage operator may file an application with the board for the release of the performance bond, deposit or other assurance of performance on or after the third anniversary of the date the board issued a certificate of completion for the geologic sequestration facility. An application for a release shall require a description of the status of the carbon dioxide plume development or migration compared to models previously provided to the board, and any other information the board may reasonably require in accordance with this chapter. The board shall give notice of the pending release application by publication as provided in Section 53-3-115.
- Before the board’s release of all or any portion of a storage operator’s performance bond, deposit or other assurance of performance, the board shall require that the storage operator satisfy, in the reasonable determination of the board, the financial assurance requirements of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and regulations promulgated thereunder. If the financial assurance has as any component a trust or standby trust, the board and the state shall be named as trust beneficiaries. The trust situs shall be located in the state, and at least one (1) trustee shall be a legal resident of the state.
- The board may release, in whole or in part, the performance bond, deposit or other assurance of performance if it is satisfied that plume migration has stabilized or is developing in the manner anticipated in models previously filed with the board and the geologic sequestration facility has met all necessary mechanical integrity requirements.
- When the storage operator has successfully completed any necessary remedial actions required by the board, but not more than two (2) years beyond the date of the board’s initial, partial release of the performance bond, deposit or other assurance of performance, the board shall release the remaining portion of the performance bond, deposit or other assurance of performance. However, no performance bond, deposit or other assurance of performance shall be fully released until all requirements of this chapter are fully met.
- If the board denies the application for release of the performance bond, deposit or other assurance of performance or portion thereof, it shall notify the storage operator, in writing, stating the reasons for denial and recommending corrective actions necessary to secure the release.
- Full release by the board of the performance bond, deposit or other assurance of performance of the storage operator or any other party holding title to the stored carbon dioxide, shall not affect, either to enlarge or diminish in any way, any legal obligations of the owner of the carbon dioxide or an owner or operator of any carbon dioxide sequestration facility resulting from the actions authorized pursuant to this chapter.
- Substantial compliance with this chapter shall in no way be construed to be an absolute defense to civil liability.