(a) No person shall engage in the practice of massage and bodywork therapy or hold himself or herself out to the public in this State as being qualified to practice massage and bodywork therapy; or use in connection with that person’s name, or otherwise assume or use, any title or description conveying or tending to convey the impression that the person is qualified to practice massage and bodywork therapy, unless such person has been duly licensed or certified under this chapter. Massage and bodywork therapists licensed under this chapter may practice massage and/or bodywork therapy on referral or prescription from a licensed medical or osteopathic physician or chiropractor as deemed appropriate by the referring physician or chiropractor. Massage technicians certified under this chapter are prohibited from practicing on referral or prescription from a licensed medical or osteopathic physician or chiropractor and from treating medically diagnosed conditions.
(b) Whenever a license or certificate to practice massage and bodywork in this State has expired or been suspended or revoked, it shall be unlawful for the person to practice massage and bodywork in this State.
(c) No person shall act as a massage technician, or hold himself or herself out as a massage technician, unless such person has been duly certified by the Board under this chapter. Massage technicians shall practice massage and/or bodywork on other than medically diagnosed conditions.
(d) Massage establishment license; necessity. —
No person, firm, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity shall operate, maintain, or use premises as a massage establishment without first having secured a massage establishment license from the Board.
(e) Services rendered in unlicensed massage establishment, prohibition; exceptions. —
No person shall offer or render any of the services encompassed within the definition of massage and bodywork in a place that is not licensed as a massage establishment. This section shall not apply to a duly licensed massage therapist or certified massage technician who practices massage or bodywork outside of a massage establishment.
(f) This chapter shall not apply to:
(1) Actions by any person, who is certified or licensed in this State by any other law, and who is engaged in and acting within the scope of the profession or occupation for which that person is certified or licensed;
(2) Actions by any person engaged in an occupation which does not require a certificate or certification, including, but not limited to, physical education teachers, athletic coaches, health or recreation directors, instructors at health clubs or spas, martial arts, water safety and dance instructors, or coaches, who is acting within the scope of activity for which such person is trained; and
(3) Any student of massage who is practicing within the scope of his or her course of study.
70 Del. Laws, c. 582, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1; 71 Del. Laws, c. 108, § 1; 78 Del. Laws, c. 363, § 6; 81 Del. Laws, c. 104, § 4;