The Superior Court, sitting as a board of canvass, shall receive the certificate, and in ascertaining and certifying the state of the election shall take into consideration the number of ballots certified by the inspector to have been received by that inspector and for whom and what office the votes were given, and give the certificate the same force and effect as a certificate of the election officers at any of the regular places of holding the election. The votes so given shall be reckoned among the number of votes given in the election district where they were received by the inspector, in the same manner as if they had been given at the regular place of voting in the district; provided always, however, that the Court shall be required to hear and determine challenges as to the right of any person, who delivered that person’s own ballot to the inspector, and reject any ballot if the person who cast the same had not a right to vote under the Constitution and laws of this State, either from want of qualification, or by reason of having voted at any other place in the State where the person was entitled to vote on the same day. Such of the ballots so received by the inspector, as are not rejected by the Court and also the list of voters, and the certificate shall be deposited by the Court in the regular ballot box of the election district where they were cast, and the box shall then be immediately resealed by the Court. The Court may also open the ballot box for the purpose. The Court may also examine on oath the inspector touching any matter connected with the inspector’s holding of the election, and may if it appear to it that the election was not fairly held by such inspector, reject the inspector’s certificate and throw out the vote returned by that inspector.
12 Del. Laws, c. 491, § 3; Code 1915, § 1833; Code 1935, § 1922; 15 Del. C. 1953, § 5309; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1;