§ 57-13-22. Abolition and transfer of functions, duties, personnel, records, etc., of Mississippi Research and Development Center
The Mississippi Research and Development Center is hereby abolished from and after July 1, 1988. All of the functions of the center shall be transferred on that date to the Mississippi Department of Economic Development or to the University Research Center which is created in Section 37-141-3.
From and after July 1, 1988, the duties and responsibilities of the Research and Development Center which are depicted organizationally in the 1989 fiscal year budget request of the Research and Development Center and which are performed by the Forecast and Analysis Division, the Administration Division, the Government Services Division and the Data Services Division except as provided in subsection 3(b) shall be transferred to the University Research Center.
From and after July 1, 1988, the duties and responsibilities of the Research and Development Center not included in the transfer described in paragraph (a) except as provided in subsection (3)(c) of this section shall be transferred to the Mississippi Department of Economic Development.
All personnel of the Mississippi Research and Development Center shall be transferred to the Department of Economic Development or to the University Research Center according to the transfer of their duties pursuant to this section.
It is specifically provided that the positions identified in items (i), (ii) and (iii) below be transferred to the Department of Economic Development unless the Director of the Research and Development Center and the Executive Director of the Department of Economic Development make mutually agreeable substitutions:
Position identification numbers 60, 174, 244, 98 and 177 of the Administration Unit shall be transferred June 1, 1988.
Position identification numbers 156, 27, 194, 23, 307 and 308 of the Data Services Unit shall be transferred July 1, 1988.
Position identification numbers 71, 104 and 148 of the Government Services Division shall be transferred July 1, 1988.
It is specifically provided that position identification numbers 30 and 76 of the Office of the Director of the Research and Development Center be transferred to the University Research Center on July 1, 1988.
It is the intention of the Legislature that there be a reduction in personnel where there is a duplication of effort as a result of the transfers required by this subsection. The Department of Economic Development in its reorganization pursuant to Chapter 518, Laws of 1988 may utilize savings realized from personnel attrition and other economies to reallocate and reclassify positions within the department, subject to the approval of the State Personnel Board.
All personnel transferred to the University Research Center shall become subject to all personnel and compensation policies of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning; however, anyone so transferred shall retain all of the protection and benefits to which they have been entitled under the state personnel system.
All records, property, unexpended balances of appropriations or other funds, and all other resources of the Mississippi Research and Development Center shall be transferred to the Department of Economic Development or to the University Research Center, as appropriate, pursuant to the transfer of duties and responsibilities in subsection (2) of this section.
Each officer or agency subject to the provisions of Chapter 518, Laws of 1988 shall assist with the fullest degree of reasonable cooperation any other officer or agency in carrying out the intent and purpose of Chapter 518, Laws of 1988.
Each officer or agency subject to the provisions of Chapter 518, Laws of 1988 is hereby authorized and empowered to promulgate all necessary rules and regulations not in conflict with Chapter 518, Laws of 1988 necessary to accomplish an orderly transition pursuant to Chapter 518, Laws of 1988.