- The council may do anything within its power, not inconsistent with this chapter, to secure and further industrial and economic development of said counties, to advertise the natural resources and possibilities of the same, and to maintain and support the same.
- The council is hereby expressly authorized and empowered to acquire by gift, purchase or otherwise, and to own, hold, maintain, control and develop real estate situated within the participating counties, either within or without the corporate limits of a municipality, for development, use and operation of one or more industrial park complexes referred to herein as “project”; and is further authorized and empowered to engage in works of internal improvement therefor, including, but not limited to, construction or contracting for the construction of railroad spur tracks, site improvements, water, sewerage, drainage, pollution control and other related facilities necessary or required for industrial use and development of said park complexes; and to acquire, purchase, install, lease, construct, own, hold, equip, control, maintain, use, operate and repair other structures and facilities necessary and convenient for the planning, development, use, operation and maintenance of said parks for industrial purposes, including, but not limited to, utility installations, except those communications and electric power utilities already certificated in the area by the Mississippi Public Service Commission, elevators, compressors, warehouses, and air, rail and other transportation terminals and pollution control facilities. For the development of such projects, the council, in its own name, is authorized and empowered to borrow money and contract for the borrowing of money, from time to time, as it may deem appropriate, and to pay interest upon such borrowed funds in such amount as it may negotiate, however, not exceeding such amount of interest as may be allowed to be paid under the provisions of Section 19-9-19, and to give as security for the payment of such indebtednesses deeds of trust or mortgages on all or any part of the real estate purchased, improved or benefited by the funds so borrowed. The council may, likewise, pledge the proceeds and revenues from any such project for the repayment of funds so borrowed. The pledge of any real estate or income from real estate held by the council shall be done only by order spread upon the minutes of said council after the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the council. There shall be no personal liability of any member of said council for failure in the repayment of funds so borrowed.
- The council is authorized and empowered to sell, lease, trade, exchange or otherwise dispose of industrial sites situated within any of such projects to individuals, firms or corporations, public or private, for industrial and warehouse use upon such terms and conditions, for such consideration, and with such safeguards as will best promote and protect the public interest, convenience and necessity, and to execute deeds, leases, contracts, easements and other legal instruments necessary or convenient therefor. The council is granted the power to sue and be sued in its own name.
- Any industrial lease may be executed upon such terms and conditions and for such monetary rental or other consideration as may be found to be in the best interest of the public by the council by order or resolution spread upon its minutes authorizing the same. Any covenants and obligations of the lessee to make expenditures in determined amounts, and within such time or times, for improvements to be erected on the land by such lessee and to conduct thereon industrial or warehouse operations in such aggregate payroll amounts and for such period of time or times as may be determined and defined in such lease, and to give preference in employment where practicable to qualified residents of the counties constituting the council may, when included in such lease, constitute and be deemed sufficient consideration for the execution of any such lease in the absence of a monetary rental or other considerations, if found by the council and the board of supervisors of the affected county to be sufficient consideration and in the best interest of the public; any such instrument may contain reasonable provisions giving the lessee the right to remove its or his improvements upon termination of the lease.
- The council is authorized and empowered to fix and prescribe fees, charges and rates for the use of any water, sewerage, pollution control or other facilities constructed and operated in connection with said industrial parks and to collect the same from persons, firms and corporations using the same for industrial, warehouse and related purposes.
- Upon organization, the council is authorized and empowered to employ engineers, attorneys, accountants, technicians and consultants upon a fee or retainer basis, and such executive and administrative personnel and other employees as shall be reasonably necessary to carry out the duties and authority authorized by this chapter, and to determine their qualifications and duties and to establish compensation and other employment benefits as may be advisable to attract and retain proficient personnel. The council, in addition to all other authority, is authorized and empowered to purchase, sell and trade office equipment, to purchase necessary supplies, to purchase such equipment and vehicles as the council deems necessary for the economic and industrial development of the member counties and to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
- The enumeration of any specific rights and powers contained herein, and elsewhere in this chapter, where followed by general powers, shall not be construed in a restrictive sense, but rather in as broad and comprehensive a sense as possible to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.