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Home » US Law » 2020 Mississippi Code » Title 57 - Planning, Research and Development » Chapter 55 - Universities Research Institutes » § 57-55-15. Mississippi Energy Research Center established; functions and duties
  1. The Mississippi Energy Research Center, hereinafter referred to as the MERC, is hereby established under the management and control of the board of trustees of state institutions of higher learning. The MERC shall be a unit of Mississippi State University under the direct supervision of the president thereof or a vice president to be designated by the president.
  2. It shall be the purpose of the MERC to develop, implement and coordinate energy and energy-related research programs in Mississippi. It shall be the duty of the MERC to:
    1. Conduct basic and applied research related to energy needs within Mississippi;
    2. Consult with state and local government agencies, utilities, industry and legislature and other potential users of research in identifying and prioritizing energy problems for research;
    3. Negotiate and administer contracts with other universities of the state for the conduct of research projects;
    4. Report to the Governor and to the Legislature each year on the progress and findings of research projects;
    5. Facilitate the transfer and application of new technologies as they are developed; and
    6. Facilitate and stimulate research that:
      1. Deals with policy issues facing the Legislature;
      2. Supports state agencies’ missions with research on problems encountered and expected; and
      3. Provides energy planning and management organizations with tools to increase efficiency and effectiveness of energy planning and management.
  3. The principal administrative officer of the MERC shall be a director, who shall be appointed by the president with the approval of the board of trustees of state institutions of higher learning. To meet the purposes of the center, the director shall develop appropriate policies and procedures (a) for identification of priority research problems; (b) for collaborating with local and state government agencies, utilities, industry, other universities, federal government agencies and the Legislature in the formulation of its research program; (c) for selection of projects to be funded; and (d) for the transfer of technology which is produced by the research.