Any municipality, hereinafter referred to as “the applicant,” may, on behalf of any new or expanded industry, or both, in Mississippi, apply to the board for a loan, not to exceed twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for any one (1) new or one (1)expanded industry, which funds shall be used exclusively for the purposes of preparatory or industrial plant training and recruitment. The board is authorized and empowered to determine whether the public convenience and necessity requires that the application therefor be approved or denied, and what amount, if any, should be loaned by the board to the applicant for said new or expanded industry. For the purpose of administering provisions of this chapter, the board shall establish reasonable rules and regulations to be followed by the applicant in making application for loans hereby authorized. The board shall investigate, find and determine as to whether a certificate of public convenience and necessity shall be issued and contract for a loan of funds to the applicant shall be made. In considering and determining whether or not such certificate of public convenience and necessity shall be issued and whether a loan shall be made or not, the board shall find and determine, to include, but not be limited to, the following:
That the net worth of the new or expanded industry, on behalf of which the municipality is making said application, meets the prerequisites and requirements of the board. The applicant shall furnish upon request to the board such information with regard to the new or expanded industry’s net worth as may be required by the board.
That the new or expanded industry, on behalf of which the municipality is making such application, shall submit along with the applicant, a detailed and complete study of its training needs, plans, and total amount of funds to be used for industrial training and preparatory training only, and the same shall appear to be feasible and practicable to the board.
That the new or expanded industry, on behalf of which the municipality is making such application, shall submit a plan of repayment, along with the applicant, and which repayment shall be made within five (5) years after the loan, and such plan shall be approved by the board.
When the board shall have determined said facts favorably, it is authorized and empowered, having due regard to the promotion of the public policy and general welfare herein declared, to issue or refuse to issue a certificate of public convenience and necessity to the applicant, approve or disapprove the loan of any part or all of the funds requested by the applicant. If and when said certificate is issued, and if and when said loan is approved, the board therein shall fix and determine:
The amount of monies to be loaned.
The time, amount, and method of repayment.
The method, manner, and what legally valid and enforceable documents, promissory notes, deeds of trust, or contracts, or any combination thereof, shall be executed by the applicant and the new or expanded industry.