(a) The certificates of the Court of the results of the election in its county may be according to the following form:
The State of Delaware, ________________________________ County, ss.
Be it Remembered, that at the general election held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and ________________ for ________________________________ County, according to the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware (here insert, to wit:
If the certificate be of an election of electors of President and Vice President, of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, of Senator in the Senate of the United States, of Representative in Congress, of Attorney General, of Insurance Commissioner, of State Treasurer, of Auditor of Accounts, the number in words at length of votes given for each person voted for, for such respective offices; if the certificate be of an election of Senator or Representative in the General Assembly, or, of clerk of the peace, of register of wills, of recorder, of Levy Court Commissioner or Commissioners, of receiver of taxes and county treasurer, of sheriff, of county executive, of county council member, the names of the persons elected), which is manifest by calculating and ascertaining the aggregate amount of all votes given for each person voted for in all the election districts of the county, according to the provisions made by law in this behalf.
In testimony, whereof, we ________________________________ and ________________________________ constituting the Superior Court for ________________________________ ________________________________ County, who have met and ascertained the state of the election throughout the said County, as the law requires, have hereunto set our hands and caused the seal of the said Superior Court to be hereunto affixed at the Court House in said County, on this ________ day of November, A. D. ________
(b) The manner of making the insertion may be as follows:
In case of Electors of President and Vice President
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Elector
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Elector and so on, naming each person voted for.
In case of Governor
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Governor
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Governor and so on, naming each person voted for.
In case of Lieutenant Governor
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Lieutenant Governor
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Lieutenant Governor and so on, naming each person voted for.
In case of Senator in the Senate of the United States
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for United States Senator
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for United States Senator and so on, naming each person voted for.
In case of Representative to Congress
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Representative to Congress
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Representative to Congress and so on, naming each person voted for.
In case of Attorney General
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Attorney General
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Attorney General and so on, naming each person voted for.
In case of Insurance Commissioner
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Insurance Commissioner
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Insurance Commissioner and so on, naming each person voted for.
In case of State Treasurer
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for State Treasurer
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for State Treasurer and so on, naming each person voted for.
In case of Auditor of Accounts
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Auditor of Accounts
________ votes were given for ________________________________ for Auditor of Accounts and so on, naming each person voted for.
In case of Senators to General Assembly
________ was duly elected Senator for the ________________________________ Senatorial District for said County in the General Assembly, (and so on, giving certificates for each Senator elected in the respective senatorial districts of the county) and was duly elected Senator for the ________________________________ Senatorial District for said County in lieu of ________________________________ late Senator for said Senatorial District of said County in the General Assembly (and so on, giving certificates for each Senator elected in lieu of any other Senator for any senatorial district for said county in the General Assembly).
In case of Representatives to General Assembly
________________________________ was duly elected Representative for the ________________________________ Representative District for said County in the General Assembly (and so on, giving certificates for each Representative elected in the respective representative districts of the County).
In case of Clerk of the Peace
________________________________ was duly elected Clerk of the Peace for ________________________________ County.
In case of Register of Wills
________________________________ was duly elected Register of Wills for ________________________________ County.
In case of Recorder
________________________________ was duly elected Recorder for ________________________________ County.
In case of the County Executive for New Castle County
________________________________ was duly elected County Executive for New Castle County.
In case of County Council member for New Castle County
________________________________ was duly elected County Council member for the ________________________________ Councilmemberic District in New Castle County; and so on, giving a certificate for each Council member elected in each Councilmemberic District in New Castle County.
In case of County Councilmembers for Sussex County
________________________________ was duly elected Council member for the ________________________________ Councilmemberic District in Sussex County; and so on, giving a certificate for each Council member elected in each Councilmemberic District in Sussex County.
In case of Levy Court Commissioners for Kent County
________________________________ was duly elected Levy Court Commissioner for ________________________________ District in said County (and so on, giving a certificate for each Levy Court Commissioner elected in each District in said County).
In case of Receiver of Taxes and County Treasurer
________________________________ was duly elected Receiver of Taxes and County Treasurer for ________________________________ County.
In case of Sheriff
________________________________ was duly elected Sheriff for ________________________________ County.
21 Del. Laws, c. 38, § 26; Code 1915, § 1780; Code 1935, § 1869; 15 Del. C. 1953, § 5706; 55 Del. Laws, c. 85, §§ 34C, 34D; 57 Del. Laws, c. 169, § 5; 57 Del. Laws, c. 762, § 33D; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1; 72 Del. Laws, c. 434, §§ 5, 6; 73 Del. Laws, c. 91, § 11; 80 Del. Laws, c. 209, § 9; 82 Del. Laws, c. 141, § 11;