59.23 Clerk.
(1) Deputies; salaries; vacancies.
(a) Every clerk shall appoint in writing one or more deputies and file the appointment in the clerk’s office. The deputy or deputies shall aid in the performance of the duties of the clerk under the clerk’s direction, and in case of the absence or disability of the clerk or of a vacancy in the clerk’s office, unless another is appointed therefor as provided in par. (c), shall perform all of the duties of the clerk during the absence or until the vacancy is filled. The board may, at its annual meeting or at any special meeting, provide a salary for the deputy or deputies.
(b) In each county the clerk may also appoint the number of assistants that the board authorizes and prescribes, and the assistants shall receive salaries that the board provides and fixes.
(c) If a clerk is incapable of discharging the duties of office the board shall appoint an acting clerk within 90 days after the board adopts a resolution finding that the clerk is incapable of discharging the duties of the office. The acting clerk shall serve until the disability is removed. If the board is not in session at the time of the incapacity, the chairperson of the board may appoint an acting clerk, whose term shall not extend beyond the next regular or special meeting of the board. A person appointed as acting clerk or appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of clerk, upon giving an official bond with sureties as required of a clerk, shall perform all of the duties of the office; and thereupon the powers and duties of the deputy of the last clerk shall cease.
(2) Duties. The clerk shall:
(a) Board proceedings. Act as clerk of the board at all of the board’s regular, special, limited term, and standing committee meetings; under the direction of the county board chairperson or committee chairperson, create the agenda for board meetings; keep and record true minutes of all the proceedings of the board in a format chosen by the clerk, including all committee meetings, either personally or through the clerk’s appointee; file in the clerk’s office copies of agendas and minutes of board meetings and committee meetings; make regular entries of the board’s resolutions and decisions upon all questions; record the vote of each supervisor on any question submitted to the board, if required by any member present; publish ordinances as provided in s. 59.14 (1); and perform all duties prescribed by law or required by the board in connection with its meetings and transactions.
(b) Recording of proceedings. Record at length every resolution adopted, order passed and ordinance enacted by the board.
(c) Orders for payment. Sign all orders for the payment of money directed by the board to be issued, and keep a true and correct account of such orders, and of the name of the person to whom each order is issued; but he or she shall not sign or issue any county order except upon a recorded vote or resolution of the board authorizing the same; and shall not sign or issue any such order for the payment of the services of any clerk of court, district attorney or sheriff until the person claiming the order files an affidavit stating that he or she has paid into the county treasury all moneys due the county and personally collected or received in an official capacity; and shall not sign or issue any order for the payment of money for any purpose in excess of the funds appropriated for such purpose unless first authorized by a resolution adopted by the county board under s. 65.90 (5).
(cm) Apportionment of taxes. Apportion taxes and carry out other responsibilities as specified in s. 70.63 (1).
(d) Accounts. File and preserve in the clerk’s office all accounts acted upon by the board, and endorse its action thereon, designating specifically upon every account the amount allowed, if any, and the particular items or charges for which allowed, and such as were disallowed, if any.
(de) Property. To the extent authorized by the board, exercise the authority under s. 59.52 (6).
(dg) Dogs. Perform the responsibilities relating to dog licensing, which are assigned to the clerk under ch. 174, and the dog fund specified in ch. 174.
(di) Marriage licenses, domestic partnerships. Administer the program for issuing marriage licenses as provided in ch. 765 and the program for forming and terminating domestic partnerships as provided in ch. 770.
(e) Reports of receipts and disbursements. Record the reports of the treasurer of the receipts and disbursements of the county.
(f) Recording receipts and disbursements. Keep a true and accurate account of all money which comes into the clerk’s hands by virtue of the clerk’s office, specifying the date of every receipt or payment, the person from or to whom the receipt or payment was received or paid, and the purpose of each particular receipt or disbursement, and keep the book at all times open to the inspection of the county board or any member of the board.
(g) Payments to treasurer. Keep in the manner prescribed in par. (f) a separate account of all moneys paid the treasurer by the clerk.
(h) Books of account. Keep all of the accounts of the county and all books of account in a manner that the board directs. Books of account shall be maintained on a calendar year basis, which shall be the fiscal year in every county.
(i) Chief election officer, election duties. As the chief election officer of the county, perform all duties that are imposed on the clerk in relation to the preparation and distribution of ballots and the canvass and return of votes at general, judicial, and special elections.
(L) Duplicate receipts. Make out and deliver to the treasurer duplicate receipts of all money received by the clerk as clerk, and countersign and file in the clerk’s office the duplicate receipts delivered to the clerk by the treasurer of money received by the treasurer.
(m) Certified copies; oaths and bonds; signatures.
1. Make and deliver to any person, for a fee that is set by the board under s. 19.35 (3), a certified copy or transcript of any book, record, account, file or paper in his or her office or any certificate which by law is declared to be evidence.
2. Except as otherwise provided, receive and file the official oaths and bonds of all county officers and upon request shall certify under the clerk’s signature and seal the official capacity and authority of any county officer so filing and charge the statutory fee. Upon the commencement of each term every clerk shall file the clerk’s signature and the impression of the clerk’s official seal in the office of the secretary of state.
(n) Taxes. Perform all duties that are imposed on the clerk in relation to the assessment and collection of taxes.
(nm) Timber harvest notices. Provide notice to a town chairperson regarding the harvesting of raw forest products, as described in s. 26.03 (1m) (a) 2.
(o) Report, receipts and disbursements to board. Make a full report to the board, at the annual meeting or at any other regular meeting of the board when so stipulated by the board, in writing, verified by the clerk’s oath, of all money received and disbursed by the clerk, and separately of all fees received by the clerk; and settle with the board the clerk’s official accounts and produce to the board all books, accounts and vouchers relating to the same.
(p) Proceedings to historical society. Forward to the historical society, postpaid, within 30 days after their publication a copy of the proceedings of the board, and of all printed reports made under authority of such board or by the authority of other county officers.
(q) County highway commissioner; notify of election. Notify a county commissioner of highways of the commissioner’s election within 10 days thereafter.
(r) County tax for road and bridge fund. Notify the proper town officers of the levy and rate of any tax for the county road and bridge fund.
(s) List of local officials. Annually, on the first Tuesday of June, transmit to the secretary of state a list showing the name, phone number, electronic mail address, and post-office address of local officials, including the chairperson, mayor, president, clerk, treasurer, council and board members, and assessor of each municipality, and of the elective or appointive officials of any other local governmental unit, as defined in s. 66.0135 (1) (c), that is located wholly or partly within the county. Such lists shall be placed on file for the information of the public. The clerk, secretary, or other administrative officer of a local governmental unit, as defined in s. 66.0137 (1) (as), shall provide the county clerk the information he or she needs to complete the requirements of this paragraph.
(t) General. Perform all other duties required of the clerk by law.
History: 1995 a. 201 ss. 261, 263, 264, 275; 1995 a. 225 ss. 147 to 150; 1997 a. 27; 1999 a. 9; 2013 a. 373; 2019 a. 19.
Under s. 59.17 (8) [now sub. (2) (h)], the clerk keeps only those accounts designated by the board. Harbick v. Marinette County, 138 Wis. 2d 172, 405 N.W.2d 724 (Ct. App. 1987).
Except for their elected superior’s power to appoint and discharge, chief deputies are subject to the Municipal Employment Relations Act, ss. 111.70 to 111.77, and are not excluded from a collective bargaining unit as a matter of law. Oneida County v. WERC, 2000 WI App 191, 238 Wis. 2d 763, 618 N.W.2d 891, 00-0466.
Statutory powers of the county clerk with respect to budgeting and record keeping cannot be transferred by the county board to a new position of finance officer. 63 Atty. Gen. 196.
A county board can only grant powers of indirect supervision to a finance director with respect to the accounting or bookkeeping duties of a county clerk. 65 Atty. Gen. 132.