Where any contestant or person who has been declared elected and whose election is contested is desirous of obtaining testimony respecting a contested election, such person may apply to the Prothonotary of the Superior Court in Kent County, for a subpoena or subpoenas for summoning such witnesses as the contestant or person who has been declared elected may wish to appear before the special board of canvass at such time as shall be in the subpoenas designated. Such subpoena shall be directed to the sheriff of the county in which the witness or witnesses reside, and shall be served in the same manner as subpoenas for witnesses in civil cases are served. The sheriff to whom a subpoena may be directed shall make return of that sheriff’s service thereon to the special board of canvass on the first day of its meeting to hear the contest.
18 Del. Laws, c. 22, § 6; Code 1915, § 1874; Code 1935, § 1993; 15 Del. C. 1953, § 5926; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1;