§103. Physical description of airports and minimum airport facilities
1. Commercial airports.
A. There shall be adequate toilet facilities approved by the proper authority in the community in which the commercial airport is located, an operation area contained in a building which has an interior floor area measuring no less than 6 feet by 8 feet, and a public telephone. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
B. [PL 1999, c. 131, §15 (RP).]
C. There shall be a wind direction indicator consisting of either a wind sock, a tetrahedron or a wind tee. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
D. All paved runways shall be marked in accordance with the latest State or Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
E. All lighted runways shall be lighted in accordance with the latest State or Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).] [PL 1999, c. 131, §15 (AMD).]
2. Commercial airports; seaplanes.
A. A commercial seaplane base shall be deemed to be a commercial airport as defined in section 3, subsection 18‑A, except that a commercial seaplane landing area shall not be considered to be a commercial seaplane base. The Commissioner of Transportation may make rules and regulations pertaining to the use and operation of commercial seaplane landing areas. [PL 1979, c. 80, §4 (AMD).]
B. In case the body of water to be used for landing and taking off is under the jurisdiction of any federal, state, municipal port or other authority, the operations on that body of water shall also be in conformity with the marine traffic rules and regulations of the authority, if those rules and regulations do not interfere with the safe operation of aircraft. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
C. The registration issued to a seaplane base shall apply to the land area from which operations are conducted and to the water area designated for its operations. Where 2 or more bases located on the same body of water are under different ownership or control, each base shall obtain a separate seaplane registration. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
D. The use of that body of water for aeronautical purposes shall in no way impair or deny the right of the public to the use of public waters. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
E. No person shall operate a watercraft in any manner as to intentionally obstruct or interfere with the take off, landing or taxiing of any aircraft. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
F. All property used for the land operation of the seaplane base, including docks and ramps, shall be owned by the applicant, or the applicant shall show a statement in writing by the owner that he has the right to use and has control of the property for the purpose and time intended.
The applicant shall show that any construction or alteration of shorelines on the land area of the base is in conformity with the regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection, and with municipal building and other pertinent regulations if applicable. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
G. There shall be suitable docking facilities for loading and unloading passengers. A power boat shall be available at all times when operations are in progress, also there shall be life preservers available. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
H. There shall be situated on the commercial airport proper, adequate toilet facilities approved by the proper authority in the community in which the commercial seaplane base is located, an operations area contained in a building which has an interior floor area measuring no less than 6 feet by 8 feet, and a telephone. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
I. There shall be aviation fuel available and stored in National Fire Protection Association approved facilities. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
J. There shall be a wind direction indicator consisting of either a wind sock, tetrahedron or wind tee. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).] [PL 1979, c. 80, §4 (AMD).]
3. Noncommercial airports; land; open to the public. Noncommercial airports and land airports open to the public shall meet the following minimum requirements.
A. There shall be a wind direction indicator consisting of either a wind sock, tetrahedron or wind tee located adjacent to the landing area. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
B. Land airports without paved runways must have the boundaries of the usable landing area defined with clearly visible markers painted white. [PL 1999, c. 131, §16 (AMD).] [PL 1999, c. 131, §16 (AMD).]
4. Heliports; commercial. Commercial heliports shall meet the following minimum requirements.
A. There shall be adequate toilet facilities approved by the proper authority in the community in which the commercial heliport is located, an operation area contained in a building which has an interior floor area measuring no less than 6 feet by 8 feet, and a public telephone available to the public. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
B. There shall be aviation fuel available and stored in National Fire Protection Association approved facilities. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
C. There shall be a wind direction indicator consisting of either a wind sock, a tetrahedron or a wind tee located adjacent to the landing area. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).] [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
5. Heliports, noncommercial; open to the public.
A. Noncommercial heliports open to the public shall have a wind direction indicator consisting of either a wind sock, a tetrahedron or a wind tee located adjacent to the landing area. [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).] [PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]
6. Landing area; temporary; commercial. Temporary landing area is an area open to the agency for the purpose of conducting aeronautical business for a limited period of time. The agency shall submit to the Department of Transportation, on a form furnished by the commissioner, the necessary information to properly document this area. The physical descriptions and safety requirements for establishing these sites shall be set forth in the permit granted for each temporary landing area.
[PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW).]SECTION HISTORY
PL 1977, c. 678, §33 (NEW). PL 1979, c. 80, §4 (AMD). PL 1999, c. 131, §§15,16 (AMD).