Sec. 3.5. (a) A not-for-profit corporation that seeks an exemption provided by IC 6-1.1-10 for 2000 or for a year that follows 2000 by a multiple of two (2) years must file an application for the exemption in that year. However, if a not-for-profit corporation seeks an exemption provided by IC 6-1.1-10 for a year not specified in this subsection and the corporation did not receive the exemption for the preceding year, the corporation must file an application for the exemption in the year for which the exemption is sought. The not-for-profit corporation must file each exemption application in the manner (other than the requirement for filing annually) prescribed in section 3 of this chapter.
(b) A not-for-profit corporation that receives an exemption provided under IC 6-1.1-10 for a particular year that remains eligible for the exemption for the following year is only required to file a statement to apply for the exemption in the years specified in subsection (a), if the use of the not-for-profit corporation’s property remains unchanged.
(c) A not-for-profit corporation that receives an exemption provided under IC 6-1.1-10 for a particular year which becomes ineligible for the exemption for the following year shall notify the assessor of the county in which the tangible property for which it claims the exemption is located of its ineligibility on or before:
(1) May 15 of the year for which it becomes ineligible, if the property becomes ineligible in a year that ends before January 1, 2016; and
(2) April 1 of the year for which it becomes ineligible, if the property becomes ineligible in a year that begins after December 31, 2015.
If a not-for-profit corporation that is receiving an exemption provided under IC 6-1.1-10 changes the use of its tangible property so that part or all of that property no longer qualifies for the exemption, the not-for-profit corporation shall notify the assessor of the county in which the tangible property for which it claims the exemption is located of its ineligibility on or before the date specified in subdivision (1) or (2), as appropriate. The county assessor shall immediately notify the county auditor of the not-for-profit corporation’s ineligibility or disqualification for the exemption. A not-for-profit corporation that fails to provide the notification required by this subsection is subject to the penalties set forth in IC 6-1.1-37-9.
(d) For each year that is not a year specified in subsection (a), the auditor of each county shall apply an exemption provided under IC 6-1.1-10 to the tangible property owned by a not-for-profit corporation that received the exemption in the preceding year unless the county property tax assessment board of appeals determines that the not-for-profit corporation is no longer eligible for the exemption.
(e) The department of local government finance may at any time review an exemption provided under this section and determine whether or not the not-for-profit corporation is eligible for the exemption.
As added by P.L.65-1983, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.81-1987, SEC.1; P.L.198-2001, SEC.33; P.L.264-2003, SEC.5; P.L.111-2014, SEC.21.