Sec. 14.5. (a) As used in this section, “homestead” has the meaning set forth in IC 6-1.1-12-37.
(b) An individual may claim a deduction from the assessed value of the individual’s homestead if:
(1) the individual served in the military or naval forces of the United States for at least ninety (90) days;
(2) the individual received an honorable discharge;
(3) the individual has a disability of at least fifty percent (50%);
(4) the individual’s disability is evidenced by:
(A) a pension certificate or an award of compensation issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs; or
(B) a certificate of eligibility issued to the individual by the Indiana department of veterans’ affairs after the Indiana department of veterans’ affairs has determined that the individual’s disability qualifies the individual to receive a deduction under this section; and
(5) the homestead was conveyed without charge to the individual who is the owner of the homestead by an organization that is exempt from income taxation under the federal Internal Revenue Code.
(c) If an individual is entitled to a deduction from assessed value under subsection (b) for the individual’s homestead, the amount of the deduction is determined as follows:
(1) If the individual is totally disabled, the deduction is equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the assessed value of the homestead.
(2) If the individual has a disability of at least ninety percent (90%) but the individual is not totally disabled, the deduction is equal to ninety percent (90%) of the assessed value of the homestead.
(3) If the individual has a disability of at least eighty percent (80%) but less than ninety percent (90%), the deduction is equal to eighty percent (80%) of the assessed value of the homestead.
(4) If the individual has a disability of at least seventy percent (70%) but less than eighty percent (80%), the deduction is equal to seventy percent (70%) of the assessed value of the homestead.
(5) If the individual has a disability of at least sixty percent (60%) but less than seventy percent (70%), the deduction is equal to sixty percent (60%) of the assessed value of the homestead.
(6) If the individual has a disability of at least fifty percent (50%) but less than sixty percent (60%), the deduction is equal to fifty percent (50%) of the assessed value of the homestead.
(d) An individual who claims a deduction under this section for an assessment date may not also claim a deduction under section 13 or 14 of this chapter for that same assessment date.
(e) An individual who desires to claim the deduction under this section must claim the deduction in the manner specified by the department of local government finance.
As added by P.L.100-2016, SEC.2.