Sec. 6. (a) The receipt by the qualified taxing unit of the loan proceeds is not considered to be part of the ad valorem property tax levy actually collected by the qualified taxing unit for taxes first due and payable during a particular calendar year for the purpose of calculating the levy excess under IC 6-1.1-18.5-17 and IC 20-44-3. The receipt by the qualified taxing unit of any payment of delinquent tax owed by a taxpayer in bankruptcy is considered to be part of the ad valorem property tax levy actually collected by the qualified taxing unit for taxes first due and payable during a particular calendar year for the purpose of calculating the levy excess under IC 6-1.1-18.5-17 and IC 20-44-3.
(b) The loan proceeds and any payment of delinquent tax may be expended by the qualified taxing unit only to pay debts of the qualified taxing unit that have been incurred pursuant to duly adopted appropriations approved by the department of local government finance for operating expenses.
(c) In the event the sum of the receipts of the qualified taxing unit that are attributable to:
(1) the loan proceeds; and
(2) the payment of property taxes owed by a taxpayer in a bankruptcy proceeding initially filed in 2000 and payable in 2001;
exceeds sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000), the excess as received during any calendar year or years shall be set aside and treated for the calendar year when received as a levy excess subject to IC 6-1.1-18.5-17 or IC 20-44-3. In calculating the payment of property taxes as provided in subdivision (2), the amount of property tax credit finally allowed under IC 6-1.1-21-5 (before its repeal) in respect to such taxes is considered a payment of such property taxes.
(d) As used in this section, “delinquent tax” means any tax owed by a taxpayer in a bankruptcy proceeding initially filed in 2000 and that is not paid during the calendar year for which it was first due and payable.
As added by P.L.380-1987(ss), SEC.5. Amended by P.L.291-2001, SEC.210; P.L.90-2002, SEC.202; P.L.2-2006, SEC.60; P.L.146-2008, SEC.243.