Sec. 1. The following definitions apply throughout this chapter:
(1) “Eligible transfer of real property” means the transfer of an item of real property by a transferring entity under any of the following statutes:
(A) IC 36-7-14-22.5.
(B) IC 36-7-15.1-15.5.
(C) IC 36-7-38.
(2) “Land bank” has the meaning set forth in IC 36-7-38-1.
(3) “Redevelopment commission” includes:
(A) a redevelopment commission established under IC 36-7-14; and
(B) a metropolitan development commission established under IC 36-7-15.1.
(4) “Transferring entity” means:
(A) a land bank; or
(B) a redevelopment commission.
As added by P.L.110-2017, SEC.2.