Sec. 9. (a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), a person who:
(1) wishes to have a parcel of land classified as native forest land, a forest plantation, or wildlands; or
(2) submits a revised application due to:
(A) the partial withdrawal of existing classified land;
(B) division of the parcel related to a conveyance; or
(C) the combination of contiguous lands;
must have the parcel described by a professional surveyor. The parcel must be described by metes and bounds or other professionally accepted practices and must locate the parcel with reference to an established corner. In addition, the description must identify the parcel by section, township, range, and county references. The professional surveyor shall prepare plats of the parcel in ink, and the professional surveyor shall prepare the plats on the scale, and in the number, prescribed by the department of natural resources.
(b) The professional surveyor may use a geo-referenced aerial photograph in order to prepare a description of the parcel. However, the professional surveyor’s description must be accurate, and it must meet the requirements specified in subsection (a). If a geo-referenced aerial photograph is used, that fact shall be noted on the application referred to in section 11 of this chapter.
(c) The natural resources commission may adopt rules to allow other means of depicting and identifying parcels classified as native forest land, forest plantation, or wildlands under this section provided that the means do not result in a real property description of the parcel.
[Pre-1975 Property Tax Recodification Citation: 6-8-2-5 part.]Formerly: Acts 1975, P.L.47, SEC.1. As amended by P.L.186-2003, SEC.9; P.L.66-2006, SEC.10; P.L.57-2013, SEC.3; P.L.219-2014, SEC.2.