6-635. Other allowable fees; annual reporting
A. In addition to the finance charges authorized by section 6-632, a licensee may contract for and receive, and collect finance charges on, the following fees:
1. A delinquency charge in an amount equal to five percent of the amount of any installment not paid in full within seven days after its due date.
2. The actual costs of charges that are paid to a third party who is not an employee of the licensee and that are incurred in making consumer lender loans secured in whole or in part by real property, including the charges for a preliminary title search, title examination and report, title insurance premiums, property survey and appraisal fees.
3. Lawful fees for the acknowledging, filing and recording, continuing or releasing in any public office of any instrument or financing statement evidencing or perfecting a lien or security interest in real or personal property securing a consumer lender loan or the premiums paid for insurance in lieu of filing or recording that shall not exceed the filing or recording fee.
4. A loan origination fee of not more than five percent of a closed end consumer loan or the agreed credit limit of a consumer revolving loan but in no event in an amount that is more than $150. A licensee shall not charge a loan origination fee:
(a) For the refinancing of a closed end consumer loan or the renegotiating of an agreed credit limit of a consumer revolving loan if the refinancing or renegotiating occurs within one year of the collection of a prior loan origination fee.
(b) If the licensee charges prepaid finance charges pursuant to section 6-632, subsection E, paragraph 1.
5. Deferral fees authorized in section 6-634 for precomputed consumer loans.
6. Insurance premiums as provided in section 6-636.
7. Court costs.
8. Reasonable attorney fees if the consumer lender loan is referred for collection to an attorney other than a salaried employee of the licensee.
9. Costs, expenses and fees authorized in section 33-813, subsection B for reinstatement of a deed of trust encumbering real property that secures a consumer lender loan.
10. Costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale in a deed of trust encumbering real property that secures a consumer lender loan and costs and expenses of a sale that are included in a credit bid or that are applied from the proceeds of a trustee’s sale pursuant to section 33-812, including the payment of trustee fees and reasonable attorney fees actually incurred.
11. Costs and expenses of retaking, holding, preparing for sale and selling any personal property in accordance with title 47, chapter 9, article 6.
B. If a licensee receives a check, draft, negotiable order of withdrawal or similar instrument drawn on a depository institution that is offered by a consumer in full or partial payment on a consumer lender loan and the instrument is not paid or is dishonored by the depository institution, the licensee may charge and collect from the consumer a dishonored check service fee pursuant to section 44-6852.
C. In addition to the finance charges and fees provided in this article, the licensee shall not directly or indirectly charge, contract for or receive any further or other amount in connection with a consumer lender loan.
D. In conjunction with the reporting requirements prescribed in section 6-609, on or before October 1 each year, a licensee shall report to the deputy director the number of closed end consumer loans and consumer revolving loans under $1, 000 made in the prior two years.