(a) Each board of trustees shall elect one (1) of its members president, one (1) vice president, and one (1) secretary.
(1) Each board shall meet upon call of the president.
(2) The board meetings shall be held at the school.
(3) A majority shall constitute a quorum to do business.
(1) Members of the boards provided for in §§ 6-65-201 and 6-65-301 may receive expense reimbursement in accordance with § 25-16-901 et seq.
(2) All expenses shall be certified by the president or vice president, attested by the secretary, to the Auditor of State and paid out of the appropriations provided by the General Assembly.
(d) The boards of the agricultural schools are authorized to prescribe the courses of study and grant certificates, diplomas, and degrees therefor.
(e) Each board shall make a report to the General Assembly every two (2) years, giving an itemized statement showing the amount of each appropriation for each item and how and for what purpose it was expended.
(f) If any board of any agricultural school or any member of the board of any agricultural school violates any of the provisions of § 6-65-110 or any other law of the state, the violation shall ipso facto vacate the office or offices of the one or ones so violating the law, and the Governor shall at once be notified of the violation and shall at once appoint someone to fill the vacancy or vacancies.