Sec. 12. (a) This section applies to a penalty related to a tax liability to the extent that the:
(1) tax liability is for a listed tax;
(2) tax liability was due and payable, as determined under IC 6-8.1-3-17(d), for a tax period ending before January 1, 2013;
(3) department establishes an amnesty program for the tax liability under IC 6-8.1-3-17(c);
(4) individual or entity from which the tax liability is due was eligible to participate in the amnesty program described in subdivision (3); and
(5) tax liability is not paid:
(A) in conformity with a payment program acceptable to the department that provides for payment of the unpaid listed taxes in full in the manner and time established in a written payment program agreement entered into between the department and the taxpayer under IC 6-8.1-3-17(c); or
(B) if clause (A) does not apply, before the end of the amnesty period established by the department.
(b) Subject to subsection (c), if a penalty is imposed or otherwise calculated under any combination of:
(1) IC 6-8.1-1-8;
(2) section 2.1 of this chapter;
(3) section 3 of this chapter;
(4) section 3.5 of this chapter;
(5) section 4 of this chapter;
(6) section 5 of this chapter;
(7) section 6 of this chapter;
(8) section 7 of this chapter;
(9) section 9 of this chapter; or
(10) IC 6-6;
an additional penalty is imposed under this section. The amount of the additional penalty imposed under this section is equal to the sum of the penalties imposed or otherwise calculated under the provisions listed in subdivisions (1) through (10).
(c) The additional penalty provided by subsection (b) does not apply if all of the following apply:
(1) The department imposes a penalty on a taxpayer or otherwise calculates the penalty under the provisions described in subsection (b)(1) through (b)(10).
(2) The taxpayer against whom the penalty is imposed:
(A) timely files an original tax appeal in the tax court under IC 6-8.1-5-1; and
(B) contests the department’s imposition of the penalty or the tax on which the penalty is based.
(3) The taxpayer meets all other jurisdictional requirements to initiate the original tax appeal.
(4) Either the:
(A) tax court enjoins collection of the penalty or the tax on which the penalty is based under IC 33-26-6-2; or
(B) department consents to an injunction against collection of the penalty or tax without entry of an order by the tax court.
(d) The additional penalty provided by subsection (b) does not apply if the taxpayer:
(1) has a legitimate hold on making the payment as a result of an audit, bankruptcy, protest, taxpayer advocate action, or another reason permitted by the department;
(2) had established a payment plan with the department before May 12, 2015; or
(3) verifies with reasonable particularity that is satisfactory to the commissioner that the taxpayer did not ever receive notice of the outstanding tax liability.
As added by P.L.236-2005, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.1-2009, SEC.59; P.L.213-2015, SEC.94.