- The Commissioner shall as early each year as accurate preparation enables, transmit to the Legislature and to the Governor a report of his official transactions during the preceding calendar year, containing for the year reported—
(1) a list of all insurers authorized to transact insurance in this territory, showing for each insurer its name, location, date of incorporation, date of admission into this territory, capital funds and kinds of insurance transacted;
(2) tabulated abstracts of the annual statements of all authorized insurers as filed with the Commissioner;
(3) a statement as to insurers whose authority to transact insurance in this territory was terminated, the reasons for each termination, and if for insolvency the amount of the insurer’s assets and liabilities as latest ascertained;
(4) a statement of his receipts and the sum of his expenditures; and
(5) his recommendations for amendment of this title, and such additional information and recommendations relative to insurance as he deems proper.