(a) The Secretary shall, when the use of water pursuant to an allocation granted under § 6010(f) of this title causes the depletion or exhaustion of an existing use of water, require as a condition of such allocation that the recipient of such allocation take 1 or more of the following actions:
(1) To provide free of charge to the affected person a complete water supply connection to a water supply distribution system and to provide water to the affected person for a term of 3 years in an amount not to exceed 100,000 gallons per year. Water used by the affected person which exceeds 100,000 gallons per year shall be paid for by the affected person on a quarterly basis at the rates established by the Public Service Commission as applicable to the supply of public water in the area in question; and/or
(2) To provide free of charge to the affected person an alternative source of water supply at least equal in quality and quantity to that existing at the time of the granting of the allocation.
(b) The Secretary shall, when an allocation granted pursuant to § 6010(f) of this title causes the depletion or exhaustion of an existing use of water, require as a condition of such allocation that the person receiving such allocation provide free of charge to the affected person an interim water supply which is adequate to meet such person’s need. The Secretary shall determine the level of interim water supply sufficient to meet the needs of the affected person and shall further determine the dates on which the interim water supply will commence and terminate.
(c) The Secretary shall, upon receipt of a verified petition setting forth factual allegations that an allocation granted pursuant to § 6010(f) of this title caused the depletion or exhaustion of petitioner’s existing use of water, schedule and conduct a hearing to consider the petition. Prior to a hearing under this subsection the Secretary shall give at least 20 days’ notification of the date of the hearing to the petitioner and the person granted the allocation. The petitioner or the person granted the allocation may appear personally or by counsel at the hearing and produce any competent evidence. The Secretary or the Secretary’s designee may administer oaths, examine witnesses and issue in the name of the Department subpoenae when requested by a petitioner or a person granted an allocation. A verbatim transcript of testimony at the hearing shall be prepared and shall, along with the exhibits and other documents introduced into evidence, constitute the record. The Secretary or the Secretary’s designee shall make findings of fact based on the record and issue an order to effectuate such findings and further the purposes of this subsection. Any person whose interest is substantially affected by any order of the Secretary may appeal to the Environmental Appeals Board as provided in § 6008 of this title.
61 Del. Laws, c. 123, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1;