(a) The Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control is hereby authorized to establish, implement and manage an auction program to sell CO2 allowances into a market based trading program consistent with the RGGI Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and this statute. The Secretary shall make every effort to participate in a regional allowance auction with other RGGI states but may conduct a Delaware-only auction if such individual auction is found to be in the best interests of Delaware electric ratepayers, as determined by the Secretary, and after consultation with the Delaware Public Service Commission.
(b) The Secretary need not establish, implement or manage the elements of the allowance auction program by regulation. However, the Secretary shall publish the elements of the auction program in the Delaware Register of Regulations no less than 60 days prior to Delaware’s participation in its first auction. The Secretary may modify the auction program as the Secretary deems necessary, but substantive modifications shall also be published in the Delaware Register of Regulations.
(c) Any auction of Delaware CO2 allowances shall be conducted in accordance with accepted auction practices and principles and shall seek to maximize the efficacy of the RGGI program, minimize program costs to consumers and provide a liquid, transparent market for CO2 allowances.
(d) Beginning with 2009 CO2 allowances, the Secretary shall auction 60% of allowances available to Delaware and allocate 40% to generators in proportion to their average annual emissions from 2000-2002. The percentage of allowances auctioned by the Secretary shall increase by 8% per year, such that 100% of Delaware’s allowances for 2014 shall be auctioned.
76 Del. Laws, c. 262, § 1;