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§ 6056. Adopting diversion goals and reporting requirements.

It is the intent of the General Assembly that implementation of the requirements of this subchapter reduce the amount of nonhazardous solid waste currently deposited in landfills in this State by maximizing the recovery of recyclable materials. In order to do so, it will be necessary for the State to embrace the Zero Waste Principles of designing and managing products and processes to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and not incinerate or bury them. In that spirit, the following Interim Waste Diversion Goals are established with the understanding that as more data and information regarding the implementation of universal recycling become available, the goals leading up to January 1, 2020, may be modified by the Department as circumstances dictate; however, the January 1, 2020, goals may not be modified without the approval of the General Assembly:

(1) In order to effectively measure the diversion rates being achieved, all persons, including persons who collect, process or market recyclables, with the exception of those specified in § 6053(5) of this title, must report to the Department on a calendar year basis, no later than February 15 of the following year, the type and quantity of recyclables managed, the method of recycling collection used (single or multiple streams), and the location of the recycling facilities used pursuant to reporting guidance developed by the Department and the Recycling Public Advisory Council. Said reporting guidance shall be developed pursuant to the solicitation of stakeholders responsible for reporting, shall take into account the need for confidentiality of the information reported and shall be finalized no later than December 1, 2010. The first recycling report shall cover calendar year 2011 and shall be due no later than February 15, 2012.

(2) In order to ensure that the waste diversion goals specified in Table 1 of this section above are achieved by the dates specified, the Department, in cooperation with the Recycling Public Advisory Council [RPAC], shall assess progress and recommend to the Governor and General Assembly any additional mechanisms necessary including but not limited to:

which waste streams must be diverted from disposal; the parties responsible for ensuring the identified waste streams are diverted from disposal; the date by which the diverted waste streams must be diverted from disposal; implementation of Pay As You Throw; Extended Producer Responsibility; incentive based recycling; waste bans and related requirements. Such assessment shall be completed, inclusive of any draft legislation determined necessary, and submitted to the General Assembly no later than November 1, 2014, as part of the RPAC annual report.

77 Del. Laws, c. 275, § 1;