- The board shall, in its discretion, renew such licensee’s certificate of fitness upon application made in due form and upon payment of all required fees. Every licensed dispensing optician must, on or before December 31 of each year, submit satisfactory proof of the licensee’s attendance at an education program or programs approved or conducted by the board which consists of the minimum number of hours established by the board under subdivision (a)(1) for the period beginning the preceding January 1:
- The minimum number of hours of attendance at education programs so required shall be prescribed by the board by February 1 of each year, but shall not be less than three (3) clock hours nor exceed twelve (12) clock hours in any calendar year;
- The board may, in its sole discretion, waive the annual education requirement in cases of certified illness, disability or other undue hardships;
- The board shall annually arrange for or approve a program or programs of continuing education sufficient to meet the minimum education requirements under this section;
- The board is authorized to adopt such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary or appropriate for establishing an approved program or programs of continuing education pursuant to this section, including, but not limited to, those describing the substantive content of all courses or other forms of education that will satisfy the annual education requirement provided in this section;
- The board is authorized to use such portion of the annual renewal fees as it deems necessary or proper to provide for continuing education programs and is further authorized to treat an appropriate amount of such renewal fees collected as state funds for the purpose of accepting any funds made available for the promulgation and maintenance of programs of continuing education;
- Failure to meet the minimum continuing education requirements shall be deemed a violation of this chapter, for which disciplinary action pursuant to § 63-14-111(a) may be taken; and
- The board shall reinstate a license that was suspended or revoked for failure to meet the continuing education requirements and issue a renewal certificate upon payment of all fees due, payment of a further sum to be set by the board and submission of satisfactory proof that within six (6) months following the date of suspension or revocation the dispensing optician attended the required minimum hours of continuing education programs to make up such deficiency.
- Any person licensed to practice by this chapter who has retired or may hereafter retire from such practice in this state shall not be made to register as required by this chapter if such person shall file with this board an affidavit on a form to be furnished by the board, which affidavit shall state the date on which such person retired from such practice and such other facts as tend to verify such retirement as the board shall deem necessary.
- If such person thereafter reengages in such practice in this state, such person shall apply for registration with the board as provided by this chapter and shall meet other requirements as may be set by the board.